I used to be afraid of my own shadow...
Linda Joy
Its not nearly as scary once you become "enlightened". hehe. -
Briana Turner
Did you even read the question?
You may want to talk to a counselor about positive thinking and make some goals to think about instead of random unproductive thoughts. You claim you can control your thoughts so you may as well think about problems you need solved in your own life or run through what you need to do tomorrow, what you will wear and which accessories or what you need to do at work, or something you should run through in your mind before you organize something at home or work or in the yard or whatever your hobbies are instead of descriptive narratives that don't produce any results in your life. Good luck!
My brain contains tons of information, but I can't retrive it quickly. All this info seems to be floating around in a big dark pool in my brain. It may take a while before it pops up.
In normal brain function, when you see a picture or an object, or hear a sound, you have indexed thousands of related attributes, sounds and objects with some or many of those attributes: color, shape, sound, smell, feel and much more. For those who develop dementia, that index has faded, particularly the most recent parts. It's very sad to watch someone who is losing their ability to maintain that index, even sadder as they realize what they have lost, and sadder still when they no longer realize it.
Anxiety is common for many of us today. We live during a time that violence, injustice and negativity surround us (2 Tim 3:1-5). Everyone copes with anxiety differently, you have to find the method that is best for you. We have examples, in the Bible, of people who were alone, afraid, confused, separated from family etc. and they each found a way to make it through without compromising their integrity. Philippians chapter 4, verses 6&7 encourages us to make our feelings known to God by praying to Him by means of Jesus Christ. We cannot remedy every problem, however, a close relationship with our God will help us endure. Please do not allow any negative comments to deter you from seeking peace. (Matthew 6:33,34)
Get help, I believe your symptoms are indicitive of problems for which you need help.
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