I don't know how on the money this info is but here goes: The actual piercing of the tongue is not painful in itself because the tongue is a muscle with striations, the needle slips between them just like pushing a needle through a piece of fabric. However the tongue does swell and become tender afterwards, sometimes quite dramatically, that's why it's usual to pierce the tongue first with a longer barbell, which is replaced for the proper size when the swelling goes down (usually 8-10 days). The further back from the tip of the tongue the piercing is done, the more swelling there usually is. Some people have a dimple on the front of the tongue this is usually the ideal place to do the piercing. Tongue piercing is not for the faint of heart. You wonβt be able to eat solid foods, or talk properly for several days; this can sometimes lead to a short period of depression. If you can get through the initial first three or so days, it s all downhill. Timing is an important factor if you decide to go through this with this. If you work a job, which requires you to talk a lot, you may want to speak to your employer regarding a couple of days off or if your planning a big weekend, its best to get the piercing done afterwards. Once your new pet settles down, you will kick yourself for not getting it done earlier!
Whatever you do, make sure its done by a professional. Otherwise, the pain of the actual piercing will seem so small to the pain that can occur later, with a botched job. In terms of avoiding the pain remember that because you really want your tongue pierced that 'no pain is no gain'.
i just got mine done last weeek and seriously it doesnt hurt the most painful thng is the swelling and dats afterwards my advice is to suck on lots of ice!!!
trust me, it doesn't hurt, I've got it. Don't worry about it. Best way to deal with it is to relax.
ive also heard that getting your tounge pierced doesnt hurt that bad... there are things you really need to think about. are you doing it because of a fad? why do you want it done? you need to know that you wont be able to eat for awhile. the metal rings may rot your teeth if you are not careful, in some cases the tounge swelling does not go down for a really long time. it can get infected. and in some cases... if you go to the wrong place.. they can pierce the wrong place and your face can be paralized. i got my nipples pierced... and im tellin you now... that hurt haha. and something happened and one of the piercings got very infected and my chest hurt sooo bad. i ended up having to take them out. which wasted 100 dollars that i didnt have. lol. and i have had a few friends where their tounge piercings did the same thing.
I spoke to someone who had a friend that died. The person got his tongue pierced and it got badly infected and he was hosptialized. When the doctors suggested complete amputation of the tongue, his parents said "no". Sadly the young man was in his early 20's and he is now dead. Think long and hard before undertaking this piercing. The tongue is not like cartilage tissue, it's also surrounded by bacteria. Sometimes that bacteria can get into your bloodstream and weaken the valves in your heart, this has been widely documented. It's called bacterial endocarditis.
yes i got my tongue pierced 3days ago and the place i went to numbed it with some sort of banana flavourd liquid i felt it but it didnt hurt at all. i wouldn't advise you getting your tongue pierced for your first piercing tho... it is hard to look after afterwords and if it is your first piercing you will not know what to expect.. i would get an easier piercing to look after first so you can get the feel of it.. hope this helps
it feels weird more than it feels painful and it's quick to heal. no anesthetic. you'll see if you do it. the worst part is the soreness. the actual piercing is no big deal.
Also, the tounge is a very sensitive place. If the piercing is off by even a millimeter, you could possibly lose all of your tastebuds or the feeling in your tounge for that matter.
ok..why are you choosing your tongue to be ur first piercing? painful! i dont have mine pierced and i will never but i heard you can lose ur taste sense. duno if its true but i believe it. relax while its being done...and take tylenol!
go for your ears, sweetie. the tongue is just gross.
It doesn't hurt at all. You can't over think it, like "a needle going through your tounge". Anything could sound more painful if you put it that way. Go for's nothing, just make sure you take care of it afterwards.
well i just got mine done and im 14 it doesnt hurt at all .. the mouthwash hurts the most you will be surprised
I am in the same mind you know, its not even the pain though (I have had a baby, my nose, lip and belly button pierced) (plus came off horses in every angle possible, been kicked by a horse, came off my motorbike 3 times.. lol) its the THOUGHT of the needle being pushed through my tongue agh!! I do need to just stop being a chicken though lol once you have it done theres no going back and you can just cope with the pain, its the initial bringing yourself to the piercers thats the problem lol.. I think if you set a date and book yourself in and just do it maybe =D Or pay for it when you book yourself in and then you cant turn back.
I just want to warn you DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL OR USE COCAINE OR ANY OTHER DRUG, not even local to numb your tongue. Alcohol will thin your blood and you will bleed like a stuffed pig, and some place like your tongue you can literally bleed to death. The use of drugs will raise or lower your heart rate, this also can have dramatic effects on you and the way you bleed. Just wanted you to know so you can stay safe when getting this done.
half of people have no experince..about this so why do you comment?. you're SOO negative... but yes the actual piercing does not hurt for a few days after the pain is minor.. and its fine.. i have 5 piercings and have had barley any problems most of my frineds do have piercing and ive come acrosss NOONE that has had health problems due to a piercing.
im getting mine done to. and im scared shittless. i need people with experence to explain weather it hurts and shit like that
i know how you feel i'v really wanted my tongue pierced for ages now and im finally going to get it done soon. what i was wondering is everybody says that is doesnt hurt 1 little bit but dont they use anything to numb your tongue befor they stick the needle through??? im not scared, more excited to get it done but i'm abit worried because people say you can bleed to death is this common? so any1 who has had it done give me some advice. good luck when you get it done i know i will be shitting myself when it comes to it lol.
whatever u do u WILL feel pain, ur tounge is a very sensative part of ur body, they should put numbing spray on your tounge, you use this like mouthwash and swish it round ur mouth for 30 secs, dont bite down on ur tounge when uv used this, ur tounge wont feel numb but a needle is completely different to your teeth, it is a little painfull but its over in seconds and it barely hurts after, trust me, its the swelling thats the worst, you get a strange annoying aching feeling, and eating is practically impossible, i even found it hard to drink anything... but its just four days (as long as you look after it, it'll heal up pretty quickly by itself, but better to be safe than sorry, buy lots n lots of mouthwash and use it at every chance you get!) and the results are great!
I used oragel to try to numb mine, but when I had to rinse my mouth all the oragel came off. I was really scared like you and it really wasn't too bad. It was much more weird than bad because it is a feeling you are not used to. Plus, it is EXTREMELY fast so you shouldn't worry!
The neddle goes thru so quickly that you hardly feel any pain from it, until after its pain no gain, i guess..
when the needle goes threw it doesnt hurt at all.. i just got mine done 3 days ago trust me the 2nd day is the worse but getting it done is nothing.. when u bite ur tongue its worse of a pain
i had mine done bout 1 mth + ago. doesnt hurt.. they numb your tongue a bit but they cant fully because it causes people to swallow there own tongue. but dont worry it happens so fast! .. dunno what happened to mine though i took mine out for 2 hrs to change it and now i cant get the bar back in what so ever! :(
i had mine done 2 days ago it didnt hurt gettin it done and they used a numbin spray the mouth wash is nasty the only thing thats drivin me mad is that its so sore at the min i cant eat im eatin ice cream it is painful after and does swell but can cope with it hope this helps x
this was my second piercing my first was my nose and it hurt so much worse than the tongue. ur tongue doesnt hurt its just pressure i pierced my tongue by myself and had no problems maybe because ive done it to so many people before but it doesnt hurt, just suck on alot of ice and take the pain without numbing because once the numbness goes away its a shock cause then the pain comes. its been about 1 week and 1 day since i pierced my tongue im doing good and the swelling went away and know the only problem i have is the excess bar that i keep biting on so it makes it hard to eat. i cant wait to change it though. good luck and dont eat ice cream becuase it has live cultures and bacteria in it that can cause irritation as well as infection trust me i know from past experience and use non alchol mouth wash other wise it burns good luck if u were local i would pierce u for free
seriously don't worry about the pain because it only hurts as bad as you think it will. i got mine done a few years ago and its nothing. i'm telling you don't psych yourself out. i psyched myself out for my belly button piercing and passed out at the end. not that it hurt, but i was convincing myself that it would. in the end, my body was overwhelmed & passed out. so just calm down and you'll be fine.
no theres nothing like that for your tounge but it does hurt very badly and i wouldnt suggest that as your first piercing, your tounge swells very badly its hard to speak or eat or anything.and it will bleed too.
i just recently got my tongue pierced. there was no pain when he stuck the needle through but about 5 minutes after he did it my tongue swelled up enough to where i couldnt talk. about it getting infected....mine is healed up....hasnt caused me any pain....if you take proper care of your new piercing you wont have any problems....just make sure u use mouthwash (listerine only), make sure its a whole capful of listerine and water......make sure u do that after everytime u eat anything...
you will be sister had it done and she said it didn't hurt at all, the only problem she had is that she didn't listen to the instructions on how to clean it and so it got infected....which for her at least, she had to get some medicine from the doctor and then take it out... but as long as you follow their instructions, you will be fine and you will love it.
hunnie plz the needle part is the least of your worries its the pain an swelling afterwards you should be worried about. i have mine pierced and for the first few days i had to drink a protein supplement bcuz i couldnt chew or swallow anything that wasnt liquid. but its worth it so i say go for it :) good luck :)
I just got my tongue pierced yesterday 8/12/09 and the only difference between the two of us is that I have had a few piercings before my tongue. My ears have 7 ear piercings and I had my belly button done once but it was ripped out. The tongue piercing does not hurt. It was over before I knew it. They clamp your tongue and thats the worst part. Once they get the clamp on they ask if your ready. Then they push the needle through and all you feel is a bit of pressure but no pain. Once the needle is through they drop the barbell in and the needle comes out. Your tongue will swell but that is normal and as long as you take care of it you should be fine. You could take Ibuprofen or advil being that it is an anti inflammatory. Its good for the swelling and pain afterwards. Its nothing unbearable. I hope this helped.
I don't care what anybody else says it hurt when they stuck that needle through my tongue! The swelling after wasn't nearly as bad as the piercing.
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