• No but i'm a guy who enjoys seeing erect nipples through clothes anyway.Perv
  • I dont think you should be embarrassed by that, I think its hot, but, of course, if they are popping out at me, I might want a taste, one thing leads to another, next thing you know... were holding hands, then, we start to give each other that look, yeah, you know the look... Next thing, we both have dual citizenship, and we can be happy. Ill show you mine if you show me yours...
  • Although I do not see why you be embarrassed because we all know females nipples sometimes get hard I found this how to site to help if you dead set on hiding them.
  • I'm a leg guy. Chances are I wouldn't notice, but if I did no biggie ( so to speak)
  • I'd say don't worry, if someone is looking a little too long just smile and be happy for the attention, if is bothers you ask the person to stop, but don't make a big deal of it
  • I wonder if she's cold.
  • I straight away think "yeah she wants me". As for being embarressed, is it cos you know I know you want me?
  • no you shouldnt be embarrassed it happens to all of us especially in the winter...but if it does embarass you try a thicker bra
  • It is a natural reasction that is uncontrollable.No need to get embarrassed, some women have surgery to have them erect all the time.
  • Nothing wrong in seeing a couple of rasberry ripples pushing thru its cushty lol
  • I'm a girl and it happens to me, I'm not embarrassed by it, everyone knows I have nipples already. On the other hand, I think it's hot when I can see other women's nipples as well!

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