• Maybe not with the naked eye, unless it was extremely close, and we don't have many stars that are too close that are going to explode any time soon. Most would be seen with telescopes, and would have occurred thousands/millions of years ago
  • probably but it depends on how close it is. It would be really mint though!
  • If the star was close enough.. If the nearest stars went Supernova The Sun & Alpha Centauri, you could not see it !! as you would be dead!!
  • I imagine if our closest stellar neighbor, Alpha Centauri exploded we would probably see it but it would be about 4 years after it happened. IIRC, there are records suggesting that stellar explosions were observed about 2,000 and 1,000 years ago.
  • Yeah, we can see them. We can even see ones from other, nearby galaxies. Granted, you would need the aid of a telescope to see almost all of these.

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