• Yes, Usually after the first trimester. Try Saltine crackers first thing in the AM with some flat Ginger Ale, that should help, I know it saved me.
  • Sometimes that icky feeling lasts for a long time... mine until week 21, but most peole see relief around the 12th week. Try eating real ginger. A friend of mine ate Thai food with ginger every day. I found Altoids wintergreen mints saved me. And the Preggie pops... awesome! Try a local whole foods store, they should have some real ginger soda and other items.
  • Mine lasted for five months. I couldn't stand for any long amount of time without being sick...which was awful because at the time I was a baker. Chew icebreakers pepermint gum and it should help ease some of the sickness.
  • Yes, mine went away after 3 months. I had to eat Saltine Crackers every morning before getting out of bed.
  • While the discomfort may lead you to believe it'll never end, don't fret, eventually it will. Time varies for people, sometimes a couple of months, sometimes 5 or 6 months. In fact some people don't feel it all. Salty foods seem to help, as well as a small amount of chocolate. I heard also that flat Gingerale works nicely too
  • Takin Vitamin B6 at night helps absorption from the stomach in the morning. It is also harmless to the fetus. Discuss with your doctor to prescribe it. One good home remedy: eating gauva fruit in the morning and during the day helps nausatic feelings. Happy pregnancy and motherhood!
  • Yes.....In the
  • in my 1st pregnancy i was sick every day with no relief, with my 2nd i was queasy sometimes up to about 15 weeks. every one is different and the books can't predict as no one is the same!
  • mine has been here awhile'll go away
  • most of the time morning sickness has to do with your body lacking something fallow your cravings and talk to your docter most woman dont talk to there docter cause they think morning sickness just happens to everyone I had constant cravings for meat when I would eat it I wiouldnt get sick for a couple days I found out I was iron deficiant well after that I took my iron pills ate my stake and drank ensure (along with eating healthy meals) and didnt get sick sence
  • Oh Yes - and that's certain.
  • It will be gone by night time. (By the way, that's a joke so don't rate me down!)
  • As far as i know with my own experiences it usually goes away in the second trimester.
  • yes but for some it can last longer and for some it may never happen.
  • I'm always sick. Its getting a lot better but the first week and a half I was in the bathroom constantly and I could not eat anything. I have already lost about 10-15 pounds just from being sick in the morning but it seems to be getting a little better. I ordered some preggie pops because I heard they're pretty good for that so we'll see how those work out.
  • You can try some home remedies: lemon, crackers, peppermin... Find more information here
  • I would presume... after morning, maybe in the "day" :)

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