• For Spielberg himself, I don't know for sure. But a high school teacher once told our class that the B&W indicated the bleak times whereas the sparse color scenes indicated hope. This is shown through the Jewish rituals in the beginning and the innocent girl in the red dress in the middle of the film.
  • I believe he did this as a cinematic device to lend a certain feel of credibility to it. Black and white is more raw and leads people to accept this film as more "factual" and representative of this period, mainly because we associate this time with other black and white images of the recently invented television and movie productions. The absence of color also allows the viewer to be a part of the bleak reality the film depicts.
  • The significance of filming in black and white was to bring the movie into a context that we could relate. for most war footage and the journalism, and movies in particular were filmed in black and white. now for us understanding the content and to bring the movie into a context that we could relate was to put a human face to the jews that were portryed in the movie. And in this movie the saying that any issue is "black and white there are no gray areas". In this movie demonstrates that even the fact that Jews were being exterminated isn't a simple black and white historical horror, there were a lot of gray areas involved.

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