• If I believe the threat, I would keep my mouth shut, but if I didn't, I would sing like a canary.
  • If it is a really hot chick I would brag and say I wanted it. If it was a dude I would shank him in the shower.
  • I would buy a gun then tell the police. oh, and listen to miranda labert's "gunpowder and lead".
  • That's what police are for. People who rape other people are inferior and scared little peons. If this did happen to you you need to tell. don't let him do this to someone else. People who allow that to happen and sicker in my opinion than the perpetrator.
  • I think a rape victim has a duty to report it, because rapists, like child molesters, never attack only once, unless they are caught the very first time.
  • I'd kill him first. Trust. Failing that, I would report it.
  • Rape them back and threaten them the same way.
  • No. I'd never keep quiet. Ever.
  • I always thought that I'd tell until it happened to me. They threatened to kill my family if I told. I live in a very small town so pretty much some people can get away with murder. I never told a soul, it's been eating me up inside for the past 10 years.
  • I was attacked once and it destroyed who I was. I would never allow this happen to another person if I can help it. I did everything wrong because I was in shock....I showered and got rid of the clothes I was wearing, thinking to myself that God would make him pay. Three days later I was curled up in a ball rocking and crying hysterically. I did press charges but due to the evidence being destroyed it never went anywhere. I think if only.....and I pray that this man never hurts another woman again....because I feel it will be my fault that I did everything wrong that allows him to walk about today. He already killed who I was no threat....
  • i think alot of people keep it quiet because it heppens when they are so young and don't understnd. i pernoaly would tell, even if he killed me you wouldn't hurt any one else.
  • "dont tell ur parents or ill kill them and/or u" they all say it, but how often does it happen? Rapists and molesters just say stuff like to gain control def always report it
  • I hope I'd report it. How can he kill me if he's behind bars? Think about it.
  • I'd like to see him threaten me after I tear the nose off his face with my teeth. I would report it. And laugh in his face as he went to jail, where he hopefully gets to find out what it's like to be raped.
  • tell...I refuse to let him win
  • I would report it.
  • Not only would I tell every living soul near me with hearing ears, I would also provide the most detailed description possible. And use a f***ing megaphone [appropriately] to do it. I would go to the police and I would then go to every television and radio station possible and tell what happened to me and who did it. I'd want the guy hunted, caught, and dealt with accordingly and I would make it known with every fiber of my being. This is just the kind of woman I am.
  • I think you should tell some guy friends to go pay him a visit or just have him killed!! Same the world from his incompitence of being a real man.
  • Tell the police to send the mother f&&** to jail.
  • tell, it happened to me too, but thats what the prick wants you to do so he can have his last and final power fix at your expence, dont let his broan push you around any longer its time all us sexual abuse victims get up and start fighting for our sexuall rights. i hope you are coping well and have found at least someone or something to hug and keep you strong, even if your only a little bit strong, your always stronger thn you think :P
  • I kept quiet, he threatened to kill my sister and nephew, I didn't tell anyone. Then I found out that my sister was dating him and told her and she told me it was my fault I was raped. If I could go back I would have definitely reported it.
  • tell tell tell
  • reprt, most of them DO say such things
  • I'd tell. My dad always told me to tell no matter what he said.
  • pesonally I would kill him myself straight away. but for everyone else. report it to the police asap. it's the only right way. even if you're ashame and hurt and whatnot.
  • Report it for sure
  • Im a middle age teen and being raped I kept my mouth shut for many years now, sadly to say I never reported it any of the times.I canΓ¨t defend my self and I have no evidence cuz i did what any scared girl would do throw everything and shower like crazy.I know two of my attackers but if I told they would kill me for sure. It is the person they are. So my answer to this question is I kept my mouth shut was it stuipid of me yes and no cuz I cant defend my self
  • TELL TELL TELL, then when the motherf'er is caught find someone to toture his a$$-literaly!!! espically if he goes to prison-he'll get his!!
  • dont keep quit ,report it ,because u have to give punishment to them
  • Call the police, being a life long victim is played out, there are people who can help you, reporting the incident is the first step to healing, if that is what you want!!!
  • If you have enjoyed the rape then you won't tell it. If you have not enjoyed the rape then too you wont tell since you would not want to get entangled. If you have not enjoyed and the attacker keeps raping you constantly then you will tell it. If you are a little bold person I think it should be the other way round just go ahead and cut his thing so that he will never do that again. Lovingly Maggge.

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