Souls or human body parts (a'la Ebay)
ermm, properties
I don't think you should buy...drugs online, that would be a bad idea right?
a house, cars, land, things like that:)
A wife. Good old fashioned mail-order bride is the way to go.
air guitars. you can never know how good shape they're in till you get them :P
presription drugs w/o a prescription...
Diamond rings
I'm thinking pets from unknown breeders because you can't really see what kind of disposition the pet might have?
You have to be really careful ordering meat online, because I ordered lambchops and look what they sent me!!
"Whipped Cream", because you never know what kind of a foreign object might be in it.
Cars. There's no way to test drive a car online. lol
I've been told by the police that I have more than 11 hackers in my device. Thankfully I knew full well to never ever ever EVER put any card number online to ANY company. What I do is go do everything I need to in order to submit an order, go all through it to the point of submitting a bank card number, then I call them and give them the number over the phone. IT IS MORE THAN PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE that to submit ANY credit card or bank number online is INVITING for it to be stolen. That has always been the case since the internet started.
#3 - illegal drugs - #2 - slaves - #1 - child porn
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