Not at the moment but I have had great happiness and for a lot of years an ideal life.
Yes right now i would.:-)+
Yeah actually I would. Life happens. I have weathered and continue to weather the bumps with a positive outlook and that is what keeps me sane and happy. I have also told everyone around me that if I start throwing myself pity parties that they are allowed to suggest a more positive approach using force if necessary :)
Yeah its getting upto that level! :)
Yes for sure. I am usually happy, both inside and out.
No. I'm miserable and stressed. I dont remember the last time I was 100% happy
No not always. Happiness is state of mind that changes according to the circumstances.
Most days I am,but that's subject to change,as I do like to mix it up a bit.
i try to be, i don't always succeed. it's easier now that i no longer follow any organized religion.
I feel like something is missing in my life. I have every reason to be very happy.
absolutely not.
When I am happy, yes, I am genuinely happy.
Definitely not. i wouldn't describe myself as happy even if it wasn't genuine.
Genuinely happy I am. It's not that I am never unhappy, but when I am unhappy it is only for a short period of time and I am over it. Life has treated me well and I thank God every day.
Now that I've found what I consider to be true love, yes! Unequivocably YES!
when Im around my only daughter............
YES!! I have created a wonderful family by making solid decisions, which has gone a very, very long way towards my happiness. There was a long time when I had no such skills and it cost me dearly. I am also on medication now. Between those two things, it pretty much sealed the deal :))
No, more the counterfeit type! ;-)
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