• Princess Summerfall Winterspring, originally a puppet, was later played by the actress Judy Tyler.
  • summerfalllwinterspring?
  • Her name was Judy Tyler aka Princess Howdy Doody. She died in a car crash, July 3, 1957 Bob Smith ................. Buffalo Bob Bob Keeshan ............... Clarabell (1947-1953) Bobby "Nick" Nicholson .... Clarabell (1953-1955) / Cornelius Cobb Lew Anderson .............. Clarabell (1955-1957) Gil Lamb .................. Clarabell (One Episode Only in 1953) Bill LeCornec ............. Chief Thunderthud Dayton Allen .............. Chief Thunderchicken Judy Tyler ................ Princess Summerfall Winterspring #1 (1949-1953) Linda Marsh ............... Princess Summerfall Winterspring #2 (1953-1957) Ted Brown ................. Bison Bill James Doohan .............. Timber Tom Larry Mann ................ Cap'n Scuttlebutt / Flub-a-Dub Rhoda Mann ................ Flub-A-Dub Jean Cavall ............... La Touke / Papa Robert Goulet ............. Trapper Pierre Eric House ................ Willow #1 Barbara Hamilton .......... Willow #2 Caryl McBain .............. Princess Haida Peter Mews ................ Timber Tom Maxine Miller Gerrard ..... Princess Pan of the Forest Mary Anne Heartline ....... Herself

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