Everything is better on the beach!
Neither, I prefer mud volleyball :)
Sports + great view = Beach volleyball :)
I like normal volleyball because its easier to move and there is less of a chance that you will roll your ankle. Also its really hot and gross outside sometimes here. I wouldn't want to be outside for an hour playing volleyball. I burn easily too. Beach volleyball is fun, but i just think normal volleyball is easier and i'm better at it.
i prefer normal volleyball rather then beach volleyball. Normal volleyball is really great to play. But the beach volleyball doesn't look so interested. am good on normal volleyball.
Beach volleyball - more nudity.
Beach volleyball is good is you like playing on the beach (that's the idea of the sport!) and you don't have more than 3 friends. Whereas if you do, normal volleyball is better as it's an opportunity for teamwork. So I would rather play beach volleyball because, growing up in Australia, I like the beach and only have 3 or 4 real friends.
Why would anyone want to play indoor volleyball when you can play beach volleyball with these two hotties?
Nothing better than getting sand in your eyes :(
i wuld have to sasy beach volleyball it is wayyyyyy more of a workout and is a lot more fun it also makes you work harder and you cant always depend on those five other team mates it you and another person
I'd prefer to play on a hard court. I can't jump too well in the sand and it would be easier to twist a knee or ankle in the sand.
Beach Volleyball. Hands down. I need to get a new tan anyways =).
Beach, because I can just walk to the court!
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