• Yes you can but that will be waisting money just buy a water conditioner.
  • Well, from what I know, distilled water does not have enough nutrients for a betta fish and bottled drinking water has too much chlorine, which can kill the poor thing! I recommend using DECHLORINATED tap water-- search for some special tap water dechlorinators/conditioners like Stress Coat.
  • Yes, but whatever type of water you begin with, you still need to declorinate it, set it to the proper PH, and heat it to the proper tempurature.
  • NO! Don't use distilled water. I agree with Answer 3. I used to buy Crystal Geyser water, but couldn't afford to keep buying it as my hobby grew and I got tired of lugging all those gallons upstairs! I use those gallon bottles and fill them up with cold tap water and let them sit open for 2-3 days. In doing this most of the chlorine evaporates out of the water. Then I add 1/2 teaspoon of Aquarium Salt and 7 drops of Stress Coat. I haven't had any problems with my Betta's since changing to this process.

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