I would answer yes or no.
Lift my shirt up and tell her mine are bigger.
Are you serious? Put those away. But it depends on how close you are, if you two are close, then quickly look at them and answer her...and ask her never to randomly run up to your door and flash you like that again. haha.
i'd say that i don't see her boobs up her skirt. i'd be honest. it sounds like she might have an agenda. are you or is she married? are you attracted to her?
I'd ask her what kind of bee stings are those.................
same thing i told her last night, the third one just freaks me out but the handcuffs between them is kinda hott
I'd say to her; "I'll tell you right after you tell me which of my balls hangs lower"
id chest high five her
I would just shut the door.
I say "those two look fine but your husband looks weird" (and he's always been a bit of tit).
Well dear, the left one with the heartbeat looks a little less developed,with a little tlc it could be normalized.
it seems to be my job to tell people that they look normal when in fact they aren't. so i would say yes and go wash my eyes somehow.
Id lauh, you should see all my female neighbors, HAHA!
I would think she just got breast implants, and probably just answer yes.
i would kinda look away, then look again, and say yes or no, then look away again
I would say "No pair of breasts can look normal. All breasts are beautiful and unique. Breasts are truely Gods snowflake." =P
"Hm, well, I'd have to make a much closer inspection before I can tell you, come on in."
May tell her not to worry about her boobs but she may want to see a shrink and see if her brain's normal.
My neighbor is 78 years old. I'd think she lost her mind if she did that. I believe I'd have to call her daughter in law and son to have her taken to the hospital if she flashed us.
I'd be too stuned to answer. I'd close the door without answering.
i suppose that is everyman's fantasy. there are a lot of variables to consider. i suppose i would have to inspect them to be sure of my findings.
Talking about boobs is my favourite subject. I would surely invite her in and "investigate" the subject further. (Unless of course she was old, LOL)
I would inspect by the touch and tell technique...
Definetly explain how they are imperfect and not normal and that she must come in for a message where I can make them normal for her.
My eyes aren't that good anymore, i will have to use the Braille method.
I'd just laugh and say yeah sure .. everything's normal these days :)
I'd say I need to do a scientific test which included observation, a demonstration and some masturbation followed by a course on inter, which would be intercourse of course. To climax in a final decision on the matter.
I'd tell they look OK, except for that lump on one of them, and that she should go to the doctor ASAP! She should know better than to come over and try to hook my husband!!
laugh my head off and say, "OMG I DONT KNOW, Geez LADY!"
Im not sure I have the proper medical education or clinical experience to "KNOW" what "normal tits" look like, but you may need your head examined. A better question i may have been more inclined to answer would have been, "Do you like my tits?", "Are my tits nice?","should I get a boob job".
"Upon visual inspection I'd say they are okay, but we won't know for sure without checking their response to a thorough massage treatment, perhaps followed by a lengthy oral exam."
I'd say they look perfectly normal, unlike her standing on my porch flashing me her hi-beams;)
Call the police. This is abnormal human activity. She may claim you attempted to rape her. Call the police. Some people are not normal.
Tell her they look as crazy as you do standing here on my porch with your shirt up.
Act as least shocked as possible, since that's what she's going for.
I might even go as far as to touch and examine them thoroughly. I certainly would want to give an answer without a closer look.
The only female neighbors I have are my gramma, a 55 year old woman and her 15 year old daughter. That would be kinda weird no matter who it was.
Invite her in for coffee.
I once had a neighbor come over to show me her boil. After that nasty experience, I think I could handle anything!
I used to work in assisted living, that'd be nothing for me, so I'd probably end up giving her an honest answer and the name of a good doctor if she's still concerned.
I would be surprised, and ask if she was ok, and why she wanted me to tell my opinion, if it is medical, i'll try and help and suggest maybe a doctor if she is worried... If it is not medical i'll say something like "you look fine to me, now i'm going inside now..." or "What did you come to me for, do you have no friends?"
I'd love to be your neighbour's neighbour. Just say yes man, but take your time. There's no rush for u to answer it.
I would look and then tell her if I thought they looked normal :)
I would look around for the candid camera :)
ask her to come in and let me get a better look.
Laugh and then throw up.
Tell her if her boobs look normal.
Ask her for a hands on judgment.
I'd answer then close the door.....
I'd probally laugh out of shock!!!!!! :<0
I would ask her to come in and tell her that I was having trouble seeing with my eyes so I would be more than happy to use my hands.
Answer the door w/ my seeing eye dog....and say,"Please come in and I will examine them further..."
Get her inside quick before the other neighbors saw. and then ask her what's this about.
I'd kick her in the nuts.
I'd say "I dunno, lets ask the guys from the mental hospital. Come on in while we wait."
I would answer her, may be ask to touch her boobs and then say goodbye.
Say, "Let me feel them to double-check". Then maybe ask her to come in? lol
I sleep days and am up nights. So I'd be irritated that she woke me for that during the day. At night I'd ask to come over to the party that must be going on next door.
I'd ask her to kindly go next door and ask my neighbor who has been designated the local boob inspector.
Invite her in for some coffee, tea and me.:)
I'd pull down my pants and ask her to tell me if my trim was even first.
I'd be tempted to say, at first glance they look ok, but other angles of dangle accompanied with tactile and gustation testing would help.
I would answer yes they look fabulous
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