• We do NOT have "the power to make our own, ... interest free." You are referring to printing-press money, also called fiat money. That's when the government makes it. When private parties make it, it's called "counterfeit." The results are the same--whoever makes it gets to trade a worthless piece of paper for valuable goods and services. The only difference is that when a counterfeiter does it, he steals from one specific person; and when the government does it, each bill put into circulation steals a little bit from everyone. Inflationary money is just a hidden tax increase, but of a very bad sort. Inflationary money is addicting and it's a hard addiction to break. It often results in the fall of the government and its being replaced by dictatorship.
  • Because if the current President doesn't go along with it he ends up like Lincoln and Kennedy. Kennedy actually singed executive order 11110 a couple weeks before he got his head blown off which did print $5 billion in United States notes or something of that nature. Point is it was interest free silver backed money. But they removed that shortly after his death. I do believe he granted the treasury a right to coin and regulate our own interest free currency though. I could be mistaken, but anyway the treasury has to borrow from the fed because our U.S. Constitution was designed for such loopholes to be taken advantage of. The Rothschilds have more "influence" than some people can imagine. The Founding Scoundrels... God bless the USA

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