• Works for me. Fight the power! :)
  • Yes, I totally agree and I would vote for it in a second ( Hillary C and Margaret Thatcher must be excluded though) :o)
  • I suspect if that were to happen, initially sex crimes would be on the rise. Also, traffic accidents would definitely increase. Raising two daughters, I'd have to disagree.
  • It`s been legal for women to go topless in Ontario for a good while now. Gwen Jacobs challenged the law and was granted the right to go topless. Now after all that trouble, why aren`t there more topless girls out there?
  • Sure you can. We don't have nothing against it you just gotta deal with laws. My opinion every women should have the rights to do things like that no matter what men can go outside without wearing a shirt why women can't do ?
  • Well, it's not illegal in Italy but only at the beach...
  • I don't think it would bother me that much to go topless if it weren't illegal and considered immoral. Plus it would just scare people.
  • i think it should be mandatory someone should bring this up with the courts
  • OH YEAH! :D
  • If You feel Comfortable Walkin Around Topless Go For It,
  • I'm sure all the men would agree to this! :-) That is, until they saw women who have breastfed 8 children and have stretch marks 3 inch long nips. Then they might change their tune...
  • In most European countries that is the deal, no-one bats an eye-lid.
  • it doesnt matter to me. if its good for men to do it then i dont see why its a problem for women
  • Yes, yes, yes!!! aii aii aiiii!!!! :)
  • when i was lifeguarding at a beach in NY our bosses told us straight out that we could not prohibit any women from being topless due to equal rights and that we couldnt make breastfeeding moms feel awkward... i think only like 3 women went topless when i was there.
  • Well, I could tell you how men would feel. One word that would describe how they would feel is "EXCITEMENT". And you're, of course, absolutely right. Women should have the same option and I certainly hope all women--with some exception, of course--be ready to exsercise that option. I can't wait.
  • '
  • I agree :)
  • I definitely agree. However they insurance rates are going to go up from all the accidents it causes.
  • Eh, dissagree, i could go without seeing some of the stuff the 80 year old women have to offer +). Get a girlfriend mate :D
  • I couldn't agree more.
  • I would agree if it were not for the fact that so many people view the female breast as sexual play-things. If people accepted them for what their intended purpose feeding our young, and stopped looking at them from a sexual perspective then there would not be an issue.
  • On the contrary. I dont believe women should have the option. If you are that bitter about double standards, then men should have to wear a full body suit, too. I dont want to see women sexually objectify themselves. You want respect, you shouldnt either. Quit asking for permission to be a dirty skank. The only men that would support you are the ones that are perverted. And you know damn well that sexuality IS your whole reason for arguing this. So why dont you quit beating around the bush and get to your real point/intent. "Should women have the right to be dirty skanks?"
  • There are too many men in the world that would walk up to a topless woman and think he can do what he pleases with them! I really don't thing it's such a good idea. As much as I love to look at boobs, that's my answer and I'm sticking to it!
  • Hell yeah, whip em out.
  • There was a time when a woman could nurse her baby without anyone giving it a second thought. In many parts of Europe, female toplessness is accepted in public parks, on beaches, etc., and their rate of rape (and/or sexual assault) is about a tenth of ours. How about if only the women with ugly breasts were required to cover them?
  • They do have the same option.
  • Do whatever you want Miss Topless. Don't let these chauvinistic pigs take your rights away. Let the people who want to do away with your law be drafted. MORE POWER TO YOU!
  • a male chest isn't in any way erotic - and manboobs are even countererotic like it or lump it in western society, your boobs objects of sexual arousal, and as such are not considered appropriate for public display. Perhaps it is somewhat like the Muslim ideas of female exposure, but it is far less restrictive. There are of course areas where nudity is welcomed. You may find the idea of such reservations offensive, I do not know. There are also cultures where nudity is normal, perhaps because they never found a need for clothing. Or you could organize a million boob march to try to convince society and lawmakers of the error of their ways. Good luck to you
  • I felt the same way, so I took off my shirt outside. Of course, I was 6, and when mom and dad got home, I got in BIG trouble!
  • i'd agree with you if my boobs didnt bounce off my knees lol
  • Fully agree with you. My 2 cents.
  • Women can - if they're on the right beach. And men with boobs should know better than to go topless as well.
  • I agree. We are the only ones who actually have a use for our chest and could possibly benefit from it not being wrapped up (breastfeeding mothers) and yet the right is exclusively male. It really makes no sense.
  • Women should be allowed to be topless anywhere men can be topless. It is patently unfair, and certainly a violation of equal rights laws.
  • I fault our long history of sexual repression for the current state of fucked up attitudes by the majority still clinging to the last vestiges of puritanism. I wish it were a perfect society that could handle it all at once, but I'm afraid it might not be too safe for women. I think it needs to be a gradual shift. Starting with beaches and other areas less immediately shocking, then slowly coalescing to other areas until we have a Puris Naturalibus society. So long story short... I think it would be smarter to take baby steps (or "boobie" steps) towards total mammarian freedom.
  • Enlighten us all.
  • "' I dont want to see women sexually objectify themselves. ' - Being forced to wear clothing when men do not is the symptom of sexual objectification. If it were generally accepted practice to go bare, there would BE no objectification. It would simply be visible flesh with contrasting colours, like male upper nudity." Let us analyze this statement. You think that the only reason that women aren't allowed to do something is because of social order. And you actually believe that it is a symptom of sexual objectification. Well, if perhaps that society decided that it wasn't appropriate for a woman to flash her breasts, why would it be sexual objectification. It's just what the society decided. It's not like we're raping women in the streets or doing something evil, we're just setting a moral guideline. Oh, then you say "But Naffee, men can get away without wearing shirts". Their is a huge difference in this fact. Men's chest aren't not seen as much as a sexual symbol then a woman's chest. It's just how men's brains work. Or at least some men. The straight kind at least. If a man has his chest showing, it might incite attraction, but is not something seen as a sexual toy. There's a reason they call it second base. It is without a doubt a use of sexual pleasure used to excite and get going. Granted, it's not like you're flashing your vagina, but it certainly is only a few steps below. For this reason, I think you are a feminist if you truly think women are being sexually objectified by the fact that they can't go topless. A feminist is someone who sticks up for women's rights and all things women. I believe your statement is an attempt to stick up for the woman inside of you that is so clearly masked by a tom-boyish attitude.
  • Ok, been to topless beaches, and one thing to remember is that EVERYBODY can be topless. Ever seen an 80 year old lady topless? *shudder* Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it...
  • Last year several hundred Swedish women staged a protest for that very idea. They protested by going topless. The Swedish court upheld their right to do so. I'm off now to buy a ticket to Sweden.
  • It is purely a matter of custom what either sex does, or does not, show. Once upon a time, it was indecent for a woman to show her knees; now it is not. There is nothing absolute about it. But you have to accept community standards. If 99% of women would prefer breasts covered, than the 1% should, in public places, go with the common view. (Apart from anything else, if you see only the occasional set of bare boobs - and they will be the nicest ones - then it will cause accidents; if bare boobs are routine, men will get used to them.( And I think that is the case. And I think it is women that choose that, not men. The reasons that the majority of women choose to make the norm to cover boobs are twofold. Firstly, a lot of women's breasts, and particularly those of older women who tend to set the standards, are not particularly attractive uncovered: droopy and chewed. Secondly, once you have seen the whole boobs, there is nothing more to see. After five minutes, men will go "so what? I've seen it all". An alluring cleavage is *much* more distracting than the whole display after the first impact. The reas
  • Well, it depends which country you are in. If you were in Chinai, as a man, you would more than likely be arrested. However, I think rather than women going topless, men should keep their shirts on in a publc setting ie town, shop, bar etc. The beach is a different setting. Men don't have boobs and their chests are not a sex symbol so they should be free to take their tops off.
  • I whole heatedly agree! Set those puppies free!
  • I disagree with your assessment that it presents a double standard. Mens' breasts have not been sexually objectified as womens' have and that is where the difference comes in. No one gives a second look at a shirtless man. Quite frankly, as a woman, I do not want to see other women parading their breasts any more so than they already do!
  • Coming soon, the third week of January is Breast Appreciation Week. Unless it's been extended to the whole month. I'll drink to breasts.
  • Men won the right to be topless in the 1930's proir to that they could be fined and jailed just like women in many places today are. Here are two major sites dealing with top freedom one from Canada and one from the USA. it is time for women to be allowed to go top free anywhere a man can go top free...It will not cause any increases in sexual crime rates this is proven all over Europe where top free is allowed in most places and in Canada where it was a hard fought and won victory!
  • I agree.That's all I have to say on that.
  • well i think that that it is immoral,people will forget you and will treat u as an object ,a thing just taken as an eye candy,many will advise u to do so, because they r wrong and actually they r promoting sexual crimes, just think ,males r attracted towards females just because of their different appearence and if a women is toppless her physical stucture is visible which can take u in trouble u will be sexually harrased against ur will and do u know it is very painfull,these days women r facing such problems a lot this is because these days women r exposing a lot more and r inviting others to attack. if someone wants to ask someting about my comment then contact me at
  • Yes do it! Do it! I say you start the trend you could be the Rosa Park of women going topless!
  • It was brought to the courts of New York a few years back. It is legal there.

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