• One that we were considering (but didn't use) was getting our hands on a bunch of birds (we had a friend that bred finches. LOTS of finches), tying their feet together, and releasing them in the common room of the school (with its 25 foot high ceilings). Of course, this would have been cruel to the animals, so we didn't do it. Instead, we walled up the principal in his office with sandbags, forcing him to leave through the fire exit, setting off the alarm and having the entire school evacuated during finals week.
  • Get a principal's cell phone or home phone number. Advertise something in the newspaper such as, "Male Spider Monkey for Sale. Well groomed,... etc." Add their phone number to it and, Presto! This happened to a friend of mine once, it was hilarious. Another good idea that someone did back in my high school was they would take poops around the school. I know it sounds weird but I thought it was pretty brilliant. Just squat somewhere. An empty gym, near some lockers... anywhere. Become the "Phantom Crapper."

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