• We do it every time we step on the gas pedal.
  • I actually believe it is in the US. (It's illegal to 'deface' currency I think, so burning might count.)
  • yes that would be defacing government property
  • No, it's just immoral.
  • UK, Yep, all our notes contain a picture of the Queen, and destroying an image of the Queen is illegal under the treason act, an old law but still in force :-)
  • it is but that is one of the worst laws at all... there is no way for it to regain the value it once had if some is not destroyed and accounted for
  • 1) "Burning Money One version of this game involved the contestant winning a pile of money (usually £5000); answering a question incorrectly resulted in part of this money being thrown onto a wildly-flaming barbecue until the end of the round, when the contestant was allowed to attempt to salvage any money that had not been consumed by the flames. A variation of this game involved toasters. Each £1000 was lit from the start, and every question correctly answered allowed the contestant to free money from a toaster. Incorrect answers left the money in the toaster until the game ended. This variation of the game was never used in the United States edition, as burning money is technically illegal in the United States." Source and further information: 2) "Inflation 1923–24: a woman feeds her tiled stove with money. At the time, burning money was less expensive than buying firewood." Source and further information: 3) "A 20$ bill is dipped into a solution of water and isopropyl alcohol. It is then ignited and the bill bursts into flames but the bill does not actually burn.....well most of it anyway." Source and further information: 4) "Specifically, this is a violation of Title 18, Section 333 of the United States Code, which says that “whoever mutilates, cuts, disfigures, perforates, unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, Federal Reserve Bank, or Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such item(s) unfit to be reissued, shall be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.” The law is enforced by the Secret Service." Source and further information:
  • Yes it is. If you really want to get rid of it yo... :)=(
  • I don't think they would enforce it. But in the early 70's a group of Viking football players including Allen Page were snowmobilling in Montana out of Cook City in the Beartooth mountains. They got stranded in a blizzard and had to use their money as tender to start a fire. They even used $100 bills.
  • Burning legal tender money is a crime however, burning cigarettes,fire crackers and legal gambling are not illegal even though you use real money to burn them.
  • Yes. Its goverment owned property.
  • Well it is sure not smart! I wish I could just burn money!
  • dont know
  • it is i have heard, and that is the worst travesty of all time... if they could adopt a policy that would allow them to undo inflation then i would love to watch em burn☺ like in the documentary "The Camden 28" I think this is now needed seeing that the American, Along with many other governments have printed up more money than should exist! if we burned some then all dollars of every country would rather than fall in the hands of the ones who abuse power... fall into the hands of the masses!
  • Ahhhh, who has enough to find out????
  • Yes it is yo...
  • It is, but it's an unenforcable and stupid law. (Like 90% of all laws)
  • If I remember correctly the law states it's illegal to destroy any image of a president in a public place, like stated before it's one of the laws that haven't changed but won't be enforced the funniest one I'v heard was in Memphis TN it's still illegal for a woman to drive a car unless the husband walks in front of the car to warn other drivers lol
  • I do it every time I sit down at the poker table :) I must be a criminal :)

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