Allow their cats to breed without any sense of responsibility on their part. I have seen two dead cats in the street as a result of their neglect, and I hate it. I wonder how many babies starve to death in their yard, or other unthinkable things.
Arrive home in the early hours, talking and laughing loudly, slamming car doors. Other than that she's one of my best friends!
One that grills EVERY SINGLE DAY recently. BBQ is awesome. But take at least one break a week for the rest of our noses!
It's what they DON'T do that drives me crazy.... and that is clean up their poopy backyard. It's stinky when it gets hot out.
My previous next door neighbors used to hate me for calling police every time they beat up their kid, closed him in a basement, so he cried for hours. It broke my heart listening to his cries Moooooommyyyyyy, moooooooooommyyyyyy, daaaaaaaady, please don't... I knocked on their door, warned, then started to call police each and every time. They moved away, but I still worry for the poor boy.
They live next door to me!
Absolutely nothing..I have really nice neighbors (on both sides).
They party constantly with their friends out on their deck all summer long. They never extend the courtesy of inviting me over for a drink which is something that I have done for them when I am out on my deck.
really loud barking dogs that never stop
Well, I live in a quad apartment, so I don't have neighbors in the traditional sense. But the guy directly downstairs from me has a really nice sound system that he loves to show off. Or he did before I called the cops on him for noise ordinance violation one night.
The woman next door us uses that house as "summer home". As she has hardly ever there, so the it's been under some form of construction for the past 5 years.
They have a baby which crys and screams constantly (it makes me want to drop kick it into next week) and a really spoilt two year old who screeches and screams when he doesn't get his own way. Now, I understand babies and kids cry but this is just excessive not to mention the fact that they phone up and complain constantly about our TV volume which is nothing compared to their screeching offspring!
We live in the country, but the neighbors down the road won't take care of their animals and they let their dogs run lose and they poop in all our yards, our own dog doesn't poop in our yard, but in the woods. We have called the dog catcher and he won't take them because he doesn't have room and he would just have to pay to put them to sleep so he told us to just shot them, brilliant man, huh?!
this woman a couple of doors down washes her car in a robe that is way to revealing for someone of her advanced age
Let their cats piss, shit, puke, procreate, and give birth in my yard. And they also let their teenage son ride his dirtbike through the front yard, tearing up our grass,well, not any more since I made them seed it :)
They argue in Viet Namese. I wanna hear what they're saying.
I have these neighbors that hate me. She always gives me dirty looks. I'll see her and say "hello" and she'll just kind of roll her eyes at me and not say hello back. It's a long story, but they kept trying to ditch their dog by just letting it out. The guy that lives there told me this one day when one of my room mates returned it. One day I found their dog in the alley and knocked on their door. They were clearly home. Finially I was able to peak over their fence and hold the dog up and point at it while they were inside. The woman inside looked right at me and the small dog I was holding up, rolled her eyes and walked upstairs. So I started saying "Wow! What nice people!" really loud and Anyway, as soon as I said "Maybe I should call the cops" loud enough the lady came down and grabbed her dog. So I guess the answer to the question would be: When they act like irresponsible, inconsiderate, a holes, and expect other people to take care of their s***. You don't want the dog? Give it away or take it to the pound. Everytime she rolls her eyes at me, it's a reminder of what an idiot she is really capable of being. Effing people, I swear.
nothin actually there real cool we live in an apt and the one right next to us is almost never home i think he takes business trips and the downstairs ones just mind there business and never bother us so its kool on may 9th we had a party with a few friends at our house it was about 10-15 people but we were kinda loud with our music and everything and they never said anything about it i thought we would get in trouble for sure but no the guys were drunk and jumping up and down yelling and singing songs but the next day nothing it was our first party and they were cool they didnt come over and say be quiet or call the cops or complain to the office or nothing i was like wow there cool
I don't hate it so much as it confuses me... She vacuums her driveway.
It is turning into the ghetto and all the local punks like to hang out in our front yard and they just drop all of their trash and alcohol bottles on the ground when they're done. They have lately started burning rubber on all the streets around here including right from our driveway. They like to sit out there with the music in their cars so loud everything in the house vibrates. One of the neighbors is stealing everybody's mail too...
fixing cars outside thier house,they have around twenty cars outside at a weekend.
Let their speed demon daughters and their boyfriends tear up and down the gravel drive. Gravel isn't cheap and it's a long driveway and having to fork over a few thousand on a regular basis isn't my cup of tea. They pitch in and pay half, so I can't understand WHY they don't just tell the girls to slow down. Boggles the mind. That and they mow their yard like every other day--it doesn't NEED to be mowed that often for crying out loud.
Exist ! ( You'd just have to know the MORON to understand ! )
They have many cars parked in the parking war when I walked out of the house I can barely come out.
One of my neighbors is quite sassy.I don't care for that.
Parking wars always.
Let their dogs roam, bark incessantly and upset my dogs who are in their own fenced yard. Then they let them poop everywhere and don't clean up after them. I don't step in poop in my yard, but I do outside of my yard! It is the ultimate in rudeness.
Nothing really. They are all family next door and across the road. But I have to say the other side is the state of new York woods and they are not very good neighbors at times. I hate when they come in and do their 'selective' logging and then chainsaws and drag lines and all sorts of activity goes on and makes the woods look terrible!
He mows his lawn at 7:30 am every Saturday. But I still love him- he also roto-tillered my entire garden for me! And brings in my trash cans every Friday.
i live on a private road, so nothing really, unless they go down the road very fast
Nothing. They love me. I love them. It's all good :)
The Mariachi music every holiday, or even on random weekends, with the bass cranked up so all you can hear is that monotonous "oompa" bass line.
Not pay attention to their dogs or walk them; this causes the dogs to bark at all hours!!
I live in an apartment, so I have numerous annoying neighbors. The ones downstairs have a teenage son who has so far made me hate several of my formerly favorite songs by playing them over and over at top volume. I think he's got to be deaf by now, and some days, I wish I was.
They have screaming matches at all times of the day and night gets rather tiresome.
I live in an apartment, so I have neighbors all around. The ones downstairs play really bad music really loud and the ones downstairs and over smoke all the time and it blows in my bedroom window! Grr!
She plays the music in her car as loud as it can possibly go, for hours on end. After a few years of putting up with this and trying to be a good neighbor, I had had it with her music! I marched my butt over there and screamed over top of the music to turn it down that i had put up with it long enough, and no one else cared to hear her music. I don't like being forced to listen to something i wouldn't spit on.
nothing..I have great neighbours everywhere.
The neighbors right beside our house have 3 adult dogs and 4 o 5 puppies (in town), and they bark and whine almost all the time. They also don't clean up the smelly poop, and it reeks to high heaven in the Summer. They also have one of the dogs constantly tied up in the yard, while they have their trash out there, too. The dog likes to keep busy by shredding the trash bags and spreading the garbage all over the place. When it's windy at all, the garbage gets into our yard. They also have let their dogs use our yard for a bathroom. _ Then there's the big fat neighbor across the street who rides a noisy motorcycle, and can't seem to even walk across the street to the store for a can of pop. He rides that thing any time of day or night just to cross the street, even. He likes to park it in a small area right beside his house so when he starts it it echoes all over the street, too.
they're pompous. When we first moved in, my fiance cut out a small flower bed by our driveway. The neighbor watched him plot out this bed and plant nice plants in it. Only after he was done, the neighbor said to him, "You know part of that bed is on my property." they have their house up for sale now. Please someone buy it!
My next door neighbors are a really nice older couple. They're always very friendly and never complain about our dogs. The only thing that slightly annoys me is that they sit on their back porch and smoke cigarettes and the smoke wafts into my yard. Sometimes I can smell it in the house even when the windows are closed. But, all-in-all, I guess I have no real complaints.
Have no respect for me or my side of the property. They will dig up ground for various reasons which is okay, but tend to dig up my side too. I take very good care of my lawn so it is upsetting. They also never cut their grass unitl they get a notice from the city.
When are neighbors were outside, my kids were mesiing with a dog in the house behind us. He asked to stop but they dident. The guy exploded he chased after the kids and the kids ran in the garage. I was in my house.the guy rang the doorbell alot. I thought it was my younger daughter. My son looked through the door and saw him running back and forth to the garage. He probaly was finding which way was faster to get attetnion. He opened the door. He shouted '' JACOB IS IN TROUBLE. GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE.'' I came to the door " Wait, Jacob was with me. Me other son is Garrett and he was out there. " THEN GARRETT IS IN SOME DEEP TROUBLE. Then are friend Mikel, was on the porch. " THAT PUNK WAS MESSING WITH THE DAM DOG." after that I thought we was done, but i was wrong. " SIT DOWN RIGHT THERE 2 HOURS!" but it was already 5:00. Then The guy left. My kids were walking on the sidewalk, the same guy was saming, get your buut off the street!
the one beats his wife.
Come to my door and ask to borrow everything on God's green earth!!!!
has her tv on so loud that we know everything thats going on in the bill even tho we dont watch it gets the lawn mower out when we're having a bbq with friends and family and takes 2 hours to mow one tiny spot of grass lets her yappy little dog bark constantly day and night my partner had to stop me lacing some dog food with rat poison just to shut it up slams their front door so hard that it shakes my house and always does it at god oclock :@ stands on the front trimming her bushes whilst slyly looking into my home (we have mooned her and she hasnt done it since )
It'snot so much them as it is their little yippy dog that seems to constantly yip.
When im fed up with neighbors i act is if they do not exist. My advice to people is let go people go that are not benefiting you.
Let the dog go in our yard. Stare at me like I have the plague. Live next door, in general, really.
Nothing. One on my neighbors aren't ever home. No complaints about them. My other neighbor is quiet, and she keeps to herself, and has never called the cops on us. Across the street is a park, and as a parent I love that.
Ive lived nextdoor to both my neighbors all our lives, bet not many people can say that! One side not a bother ever, ever, never was. The other side, I love them to, we grew up together, we all bought out our parents. Anyway, they get loud on the deck 6 feet from my bedroom door. They light wood in something and the smoke really bothers me.. that's it though, we are lucky. I wonder who'll move first?
My neighbors put their garbage in the street on trash day. The street is for cars! They are the only one's on the whole block that put it in the street. Oh, it just so happens to be 4 or 5 foot from my daughter's car. I respond to every rude and inconsiderate thing they do with kindness. I find a way every day to do something nice for them whether they like it or not! Seriously, I am always mowing their part of the yard that connects to mine or picking up their newspaper when it's raining so it doesn't get wet. I put up their trash can after the trash man has emptied it. Maybe one day they will learn how to be nice to others. One can hope! :-)
When I was growing up, our next-door neighbors on one side had seventeen outdoor cats that used our lawn as a litter box, plus five or six junk cars in the back yard—and we lived in a New York City suburb! (My parents still live in the same house; the neighbor’s son bought the house from him and, at the behest of his then-fiancée, cleaned up the place.) Our current next-door neighbors aren’t too bad, but their 18-year-old son has several friends whose cars have those really loud subwoofers and play rap music at full blast, any time they come around. They’ve even woken up our kids, late at night. :-(
I love most neighbor; only one that i hated most before. She like to confront and argued with everyone of the trouble she had created. She was very nice in front but backbite you when she went to our neighbors' houses. She was very friendly and like to go house to house. Maybe there was a big reason why she became my neighbor. I had learned a lot of things from her and thats not to trust a neighbor. One time she went drinking with her friends outside our house and i yelled at her. She was like running back to her house, crying. She was my next door neighbor in the past and everyone in my family was blaming me for what i did. They said that what i did was wrong and what others were saying when they saw it was hurtful and a family member had told me that if god can forgive why i cant. I just went to my room and just sat down there near the wall and had shed my tears. I know in my heart i hated this woman, the root of all evil in my life. There were no days that i never hated her and there was time i was shouting when i saw her, with the foul language just to hurt her. I shouted at her son while she was sitting outside drinking beers with her younger male friends. I know what i was doing is wrong to shout at her son. He had nothing to do with her mom's misdeeds and he's like a family member to me. Hope god can forgive me if somehow i did something wrong. I became like a person that i shouldnt be. Maybe time will erase the resentment and hate that i felt toward her. I never see her for years now and i heard they transfered, a bit father from a family member's house where i used to live. I dont think i will speak with her again once we'll put path will meet again. I really like to forgive this woman, just that she did a lot of damage that i dont think anyone with a right mind wants to understand and can understand it.
My neighbors are burning freaks. They burn wood in a chiminea on their fron deck, wood in a firepit in their backyard and use their gas grill. They do this year round even in the dead of winter. They burn leaves in the fall. I can't even open my windows because the smoke is so thick that it gives me a headache. I live in the country and the air pollution is worse at my house than in the city!
They park their crappy, ugly car in front of my house (even though their is not supposed to be parking on the street), because they are too lazy to walk a few more feet. They won't do it if my husband or I are in the front yard (who has time to patrol these fat, lazy lard asses all day?!) They let their rodent looking dog bark all the time, meanwhile they are sitting right next to it--totally oblivious. (We quiet our much younger and larger dog if she barks even once). I HATE these people and wish they would move away, and take their POS cars with them They are lazy (none of them work), fat, unfriendly and think none of the rules apply to them. We call them the "Lumps" because that's what they are.
I live on a dead end rd. but my neighbor live on up the dead end rd. If I'am out in the yard when they come home from work, they always stop. It is fine once an awhile. But all the time. Just wave sometimes, don't STOP. If my husband or myself hear them coming we try to run into the house. You may think big deal, if you only knew. He just stop to beat his chest, how much money he has etc. it is crazy. He is a chestbeeter!
Well, where do I start. Brawls in the street, waking up to the sounds of my friend being choked, things being stolen, people sleeping in my yard, abandoned cats left and right, people knocking on the door at 2 in the morning to ask for a cigarette. I could go on forever.
My lease ends in a few days and I am DEFINITELY moving.
September 18- 3:30 pm Playing with cody on the slide. Marcus throws cat food at me. Says he has fleas and its my fault. september 20- Marcus cuts his grass 1st time all summer September 28- 7:00 am Marcus throws our basketball hoop across the yard. October 1- 10:30 am – I pull up after taking Mandy to school. To find 4 trash cans in driveway. Marcus comes out screaming that we are white trash and complaining about our toys. I explain toys are not trash. We play with these 3-4 times everyday. Argue for 10 minutes back and forth. He called me everything but “white trash” I called him everything but a crack head N-word. I told him the reason he has fleas is because he had not cut his grass all summer. October 11- 8:30 pm. Marcus slams door open and screams about dog being in yard. Bob says I am not dealing with you anymore. I am going to get Bill. Marcus chases him to the speed bump and says we can work it out. Now these are not conversations these are full blown arguments. I am thinking of getting a restraining order. Talking to my friend on the phone today….she tells me I should start documenting the incidents then I remember I done it last time and search for Marcus on my computer and there it was! I need a video camera. May 3- Marcus buddies jump Nathan at 10:30 at night……cops were called. We were at Grandma’s all day so we don’t really know what happen. Supposedly, Nathan was walking home from barbs, when Markus and his gang were leaving almost hitting Nate. There was a fight and the cops were called. May 4- 4:30 Playing out with kids…………Barb asks if we heard the commotion last night…….We had no clue about the fight. Nate comes over around 5:00. Not 5 minutes later 2 cops come rolling up with Bill. Gives Nathans wallet back and says he is not allowed in the trailer park anymore. I then remind Bill of all the problems I have had with Marcus. Marcus comes out and is like you talking about me? And we say yes, and then we argue. It gets heated even with Bill there. He yelling I don’t take care of my kids and I yell your nothing but a crack head mow your grass. May 5- 8:30 am- step out to let dog out and Marcus is sitting on his back porch looks like talking on the phone Yelling about the incident yesterday. Heard him say “The bitch next door told the cops and Bill I was a crack dealer because I have lots of friends over everyday. That bitch is ganna get hers. Although he was talking on the phone he was yelling loud enough that he wanted me to hear him. I started to say something and decided I better just come back inside. June 6- Had a campout with 5 girls in the neighborhood and Mandy. Was woken up at 2:00 in the morning to a crash. Rush out of the tent to find Marcus friend had knocked down our light pole and was stuck up on the sewer thingy. The girls were all very frightened. The cops came and a girl was arrested for a DUI. Apparently she thought my yard was a road. Luckily no one was hurt the sewer stopped them from running us over in our sleep. This could have been very bad. Bill says one more incident with Marcus and he is out of the trailer park. July 31- Marcus pulls up and yells about Cody being in his little pool without his diaper on. Cody is starting to potty train and removes his diaper. Geeez he is 2 years old. I had brought out a pair of underwear for him to put on but, he sees him and has to say something and of course it’s not nicely saying something it’s always in a yelling kind of way. I just shrugged at him and let him yell, Proud of myself because OHHHH how I wanted to tell him were to GO. Says I am trifling bitch what ever that means. I’m the one sitting here watching my kids when he always comes out with an attitude of what we are doing. I never even paid him any mind until he yells something at me.
Loud thumping crap "music" and knocking on the walls at 3am--they are the underneath neighbors
My "new" next door neighbors are a real piece of work! They have been here about 5 yrs. The "wife" is so nasty she cracks jokes at me all the time and "thinks" they are funny plus she insults my dog...she thinks it's the "ugliest" dog she has ever seen and here is the worst part...she is so cheezy and tacky...the yard is full and I do mean full of "Pink Flamingos" and every other kind of yard statue she can find...there are even cut out "rabbits" whereing cloths. The trees are hanging with all sorts of decorations from wind chimes to wind looks like a craft shop!! All she needs now is an "air brushing" station and to sell T-shirts!!
They have sex with the shades open and the lights on. At first I thought it was its just creepy.
when im driving home & see in the rearview mirror the next door neighbors cars has the high beams on me & contines to flash them @ me & also contines to follow me all the way home even tho she knows where i live!
well its my daugters she cant go play out side because our next door neighbors daughter is there and makes fun of her they complain about our dog they tell us to keep the noise down where just watching tv
I hate how much it hates them when I park in front of one of their houses! Seriously we have a big family and not everyone fits in the driveway. Deal with it - it is the street! We are not in your driveway :P
ugh, my nieghbors are lil 3, 5, 7 year olds and all they do is scream their heads off!! my downstair nieghbors do nothing but play their bass, some hideous music i've ever heard of. its like boom, boom, boom, boom..its like mexican music
My one next door neighbor is a very nice retired guy, about 55. He doesn't do anything annoying. My other next door neighbor is an old hag who complains about my dogs and poop she finds on her lawn. I keep telling her it's not from my dog and that if they do go on her lawn, I clean it up.
Well i like most of them, but i have neighbors in front of me that piss me off to no end. They're loud, they have 10 kids and the kids leave liter in our yard and play in our yard. I dont have bloody kids, so i dont want their kids with their sticky hands touching my car and pulling up my garden.
They are so noisy!!!
I like my neighbors but they do have a habit I hate...they park at the foot of my driveway making it difficult for me to back out without hitting their cars.
I like all my neighbors, they leave me alone.
Nothing. We live in a 55+ Retirement Community and have very nice neighbors. :)
They're rich snobs.
When I was a kid, they did not allow us to play gully cricket(or street cricket) because we would hit the ball into their campus. Though its not gonna harm them nor are we gonna spoil their campus in anyway, there were some who always opposed us. And they do that still with other kids(I don't play much now:)
there dogs they always bark bark bark when im trying to sleep
They are really nosey and hide behind doors and fences to hear what we are saying. Don't people have lives of their own?:)
I dont hate any of them!
They don't watch their little kids, their dogs run loose all the time, they shout at each other late at night!
They ride their 4 wheelers through my yard...they let their dog crap in my yard, they throw lots of parties late at night and they buy their under aged kids (16,15&13) alcohol. Other than that I have no problems with them.
Nothing. I only have one and I hardly see them.
they are too loud, they seem very nice, but they need to turn their tv and music down. oh well, at least i can go into the computer room or the bedroom to get away from it.
their arragence
They arent very socail. I've tried to meet them, even given holliday cards or small things from a trip, but it just seems like I am pulling teeth to have some form of acquaintance with the ones I would turn to if my house was on fire, and needed somebody to call 911.
my neighbours are mr and mrs Perfect ha! (Boring)
I live in an apartment complex, and there is this old guy next to me that is scared of dogs, and when we walk our dog by his door and he happens to come out, he complains to the landlord. I think he is senile.
I live in a lake community with good separation between homes. It's about 100 meters to my nearest neighbor. Everyone helps everyone in any time of need. It is like an old fashioned small town. Everyone knows and likes everyone else. That's why we live here.
Live next to a couple who won't step up train their 2 big dogs, they run loose alot and are chewing up my fence, both of them are attorneys, seems like they just had rather wait and be sued rather than work with the dogs.
They have 4 families all living in the same house and there are 8 or 9 cars parked all up and down the street. Drives me nuts. But they are really nice people.
They let their dog run the street and they don't care... We even told them once that their dog was scaring people, and they yelled at US.. Not to mention one of the guys that lives there is a fat creep that checks me out every time I walk out.. and he gets fatter and fatter.. and he tells the whole neighborhood lies about my family. Not to mention, he has had a mail-order bride after his first wife suddenly disappeared...
My neighbor burns all their garbage, plastic, food, diapers, shoes, etc. and all their garbage from their business that they run. At least 6 days a week, and it smolders all night and stinks like hell. Most of the time the wind is blowing it toward my house. After hours of surrounding the house, the stink begins to accumulate inside of my house. I can't believe anyone can be such assholes. What would the world smell like if everyone did that? I don't even burn paper, it readily decomposes in the ground.
we live in a top floor of an apartment and when our things sometimes fall and that is rare, the ppl who live downstairs go to the apartment managers or knock on our door to scream at us but almost every frkn day, they play this really loud Mexican music that wakes me up in the morning plus we dont even say anything!!??
...that they don't let me join in their sex plays. Maybe I should ask them. They seem like a nice open minded mature retired
They all keep dying.... Im the youngest person on the block...
They make me very hungry, since their exhaust fan is facing my house, all the lovely smells of their cooking wafts in through my windows!
They don't talk to anyone, they just stare. They park in other peoples drive way. They play their music so loud the windows vibrate (it literally feels like it's in the other room). They have people who pick them up in the middle of the night honking the horn and yelling. Children, if they stay there at the time, stand out in the middle of the street (you know, where cars are...). And, every couple of months, a new family moves in...and does the same exact thing. Although, I will give them credit, they'e been fairly quite lately.
His son's mistreated dogs, who have gotten out of their fence and attacked my dog many times, and terrorize the whole neighborhood.
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