yes. Well, I guess it depends which club they're going to. It would have to be someplace pretty swanky with an outfit like that.
I don't think the issue is so black and white.
Clubbing penguins or anything else that cannot fight back is wrong unless you are hungry and must kill it to survive. Killing it just for the skin or specific body parts is cruel.
If they are with professionals like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, things should be okay.
clubbing any living creature is wrong.
I've never heard of clubbing penguins...clubbing baby seals, on the other hand, I'm familiar with. And no, I don't agree with it.
Yeah, why do they always let the penguins in the club first? I've been waiting in line for an hour.
Yes its wrong. The only thing you should be clubbing are bad guys.
If nuns want to spend a night out on the town, it's no business of mine.
Not if you're running HPUX.
Im not a specie-ist ! If the want to go clubbin, I say let them. I mean as long as they dont get into ecxtasy and acid. Then let them club ! Love live the RAVE!
Yes except in video game form. Care to play?: It's a free online game.
Yes, it's horrible..No one needs their fur, or to be that hungry to eat a baby penguin. People should be clubbed if they do it.
Baby Penguins?
Some of the penguins club back.
I know they club baby seals, but penguins too?? I think it's horrible for any animal to be clubbed to death unless it's about to kill you. Penguins and baby seals don't seem all that threatening.
When they go clubbin do they ever take drugs? Is so they should be clubbed..
Club Away!
Not unless you are a red wings fan.We already clubbed them 3 getting the stanley cup and we are gonna be clubbing more penguins tonight.GO WINGS!!
AS long as the Seals who are clubbing with them can get along. If both groups can get along, I say party on!
Well, yes. Why would anyone think otherwise?
Of course it's wrong. Beating anything to death is more than wrong, it's sick, disgusting and totally unnecessary.
As well-dressed and as fun-loving as penguins is, they have every right to go clubbing so there's nothing wrong with that at all. ;)
well the canadians club seals so penguins have the right
Only if they are underage.
On what basis might someone conclude that? I mean, all things are relative, right? There are no moral absolutes, right?
I am highly indignant at the very idea!!;)
clubbing and circumstancely killing penguins is absolutely ridiculous. Its sickening. And they are the moments when you wish you was standing behind the clubber with a giant 2x4 nail wooden bat in your hand..
clubbing anything is wrong. and all of u guys that said it was fun must have something wrong with there head.
I don't. Clubbing is for everyone, even penguins. I've never seen one at a club, mind, but if I did, I'd party with em.
I hate to say it but that actually sonds like fun. In reality it's wrong but in a video game it's totally right.
Ofcourse it isnt =D
ugh YES i freakin hate that game its like so boring and gay
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