• you hang in there because no matter how much you might think you can never be happy again, you will, time heals all wounds , believe weather its a death or a breakup, if its a death your hurt will ease, you never forget the person but you will think of them with fond memories instead of pain,and if its a relationship well maybe it will still work but if it doesent then hold on because i promise you in awhile you will look at the person who hurt you and wonder what in the world did i ever see in them. good luck!
  • when your heart is breaking you don't know who to turn to. you get upset easily and you feel like you're going to won't. keep calm, andtalk to somebody about it. if that person is remotly sane they will agree with you and sooth you. that will make you feel better- the knowledge that someone is on your side. what ever you do- don't cry- it's totally the wrong thing to do. it doesn't make any one feel better. take a deep breath and step outside andenjoy your life because that was you heart mends quicker.
  • i listen to my favorite sad tracts.which give me a relaxation.and come up from al these
  • It sounds mean, but you just have to go through the pain. It will take time. When we lose a relationship there is a lot of grieving that comes. You've lost someone you cared very much about, you've lost the hopes and dreams you had for your life together. That's a lot! It doesn't help to try to force yourself to act happy. Real happiness will come when you have done the grieving and are over it. In the mean time, allow yourself to feel the way you feel. Cry, talk to friends, stay busy. Crying is especially useful because it will help you let go. Once you're over it, you'll know more about what you want in your next relationship, you'll know to beware of guys like the last one, and you'll be more grown up in general. I know it probably doesn't matter to you now, but there are lots of guys out there. When the time is right, you'll find one again.
  • When my heart was breaking because of my husband running around on me. I prayed to the Lord and kept praying.
  • I would pretty much just suffer and hope that tomorrow whould be a better day.
  • Get out the Superglue :-)
  • Listen to my favorite sad tracks. which give me a relaxing. and come up from all these

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