Hobbies β†’ Antiques
  • Our family holds a wedding crown (like a tiara, but closed all around) in gold and pearls. All the brides in the family have worn it. It's about 400yrs old.
  • I don't have any of them. My ex kept them, including hundreds of photographs of my children, and of myself as a child.
  • We have a carved wooden statue that my grandfather found in a cave in Japan during the second world war.
  • i dont have a family heirloom in my family i wish i did it seems cool can i start one and give it to my son does it need to be something already old or can it be a new thing does it have to be real important or have a special meaning?
  • I have a ring that my maternal grandfather wore in the Korean war. It was given to him by his grandmother. I wear it with my wedding band. Not really a heirloom, but an antique, our dining room table is from my maternal great grandparents house. It is a huge-solid table that the whole family (8 kids) could all gather round. It is beautiful.
  • My grandmother passed away earlier this year and one of the things I inherited from her was a ceramic Christmas tree that I remember seeing in her house every year. What makes it special is that upon unpacking it I noticed initials and a date carved into the bottom of it...it was made for my grandmother (dad's mom) by my mother the year I was born. I never knew that that tree was made by my mom, and it means a lot that it stayed up in her house every Christmas for 23 years even though my parents divorced when I was still an infant! It's not worth anything to anyone but me, and I'm fine with that!
  • I have one of my grandfather's shot guns and another's cigarette lighter that was made from a button of a German soldier's uniform.
  • I have my Great Grandfather's rifle and a very old pocket watch that belonged to my grandfather. We also have a 150 + year old antique dining table that belonged to grandmother.
  • I have an old bible that is about 100 years old. A glass cabinet that is 125+ years a lot of stuff actually.....
  • I have a 1930 Majestic shortwave table radio. My grandfather gave it to me in 1965. I fixed it and it still works today.
  • Yes.. My Grandma !
  • a national championship ring (from before the super bowl)
  • In a way yes. The guys have the Marshall looks and the peculiar humor of Grandpa!
  • No or at least none that I knew of.
  • Yeah, a few. The number one heirloom is a very old cradle that has been passed down throughout the years and was brought over from Sweden. Legend is that my Great Great Grandma was sleeping in it and lightening came in through the window encircled the crib and left her unharmed. Every child in our family has slept in it until they outgrew it. Some people have fought over it. Luckily, I was the only one with babies and they are all out of it now so no fights here. My sister now has it as she will be the next to have a baby.
  • Only if alcoholism counts as an heirloom. Almost everyone in my family on both sides either had an alcohol or drug addiction. I was screwed from birth.
  • I suppose we have quite a few, I've just never thought about them as "family heirlooms" We have a very old and truly beautiful piano from somewhere in the middle or late 19th century, I think that could be considered such a thing..
  • Yes,a few I have my Great Grandfathers Gold Pocket Watch and my father as a rifle and a shot gun that was given to him by his Grand father.Who is my Great Grandfather.
  • Yes, one thing in particular. My mom's family has this huge bible and reference book. It's about 12cm thick and has both testaments and then other biblical reference material and pictures. It was given to my mom's grandparents as a wedding gift. When I received it, the cover was in very poor shape and almost coming away from the rest of the book and the outside spine was missing. I had a book restoration specialist restore it for me and it turned out beautifully.
  • Yes. We have an antique (1940s) Martin Guitar, a grandfather clock, old coins, and our noses! If you look through old pics of my family, that nose has been passed from generation to generation!
  • I would say Dad's Leisure suits..........that he THINKS are heirlooms.
  • I like to think they do.
  • We have several. A piano that has been in the family for over 120 years. The family desk. A quill pen set that has been passed done.
  • YES! I have my, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather gold ring. Which I wear every single day.
  • He's been in the family for generations;)
  • I just purchased some things I hope to hand down for generations - some gold coins, my watch, silver bullion and a rock solid safe :)
  • I have a .45/.70 Springfield rifle that belonged to my great-grandfather. He captured it from a dead Yankee that he killed with his cap-and-ball musket during the War Between the States. I've never fired it. I once had my grandmother's wedding ring, rose gold with elaborate carving. I used it as a wedding ring for my ex-wife, who lost it.
  • We have some old jewelry. I have no idea how long we've had it, but it's old.
  • Our family (not me) has an ammunition pouch (gourd) that went through at least four wars beginning with the American Revolution and was signed by each generation of men using it. Personally, I have a collection of letters and poems my grandmother wrote to me when I was in college - just to encourage me. They are priceless.
  • I have a book of names that dates back to the late 1500's that will be burned with my body when I die :)

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