Absolutely. Many of which I denied when I was younger, but now accept.
Physical, yes. Moral? Probably not.
We're mostly on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but everything else is almost the same. Looks, morals, work ethics, etc.
Physically my father and I are both small framed, and I have his forehead and feet. We share the values of personal responsibility, strong work ethic and thirst for knowledge.
Yes, there are.
Indeed. I look a lot like him and share many traits with him. He is probably harsher than I am (in terms of empathy with others) but that could be due to my gender and our ethnicity which is very macho in culture.
Not really, for one he's dead and I'm alive!
No, he was a colossal dick. Well, I hope not. Maybe other people think I'm a dick.
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