Never to play ball in the house, wait, that's the Brady Bunch.
My mother always told me 'Do the dishes, you will feel better'.
Why, if my ears arenβt toilets, do I listen to rubbish?
Don't touch the stove.It worked.I don't cook.
If you down to the beach for the day, never EVER rent a deckchair from the Deckchair Man because it is an absolute rip-off. In fact, it will cost you more money than you could ever imagine. Now an adult, I have come to realise that this was complete rubbish (Β£2 a day is not exactly extortionate). Oh and 'don't flash the lights on an off (indoors) - it will signal somebody that there is some sort of emergency'. I have no explanation for this particular belief other than it must have been something to do with the war (WWII).
Go outside and play and don't slam the door.
Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. Pretty cynical.
Go outside and play and don't slam the door.....HEY!..take your sister with you.
Go and play on the 401 highway. just kidding. go and wash your hands please.
Always make sure you wear clean knickers,you might have a accident lol.
Don't stick you weiner in the toaster, It's unsanitary!!
My dad always said "Ask your mother." My mum always said "Ask your father." Both of them always said "No, you CAN'T leave school until we tell you!" (to be fair, I thank them for the 3rd statement as otherwise I wouldn't have got as far as I have!!)
He would hold up his hand in a big high five and mouth "thats five" and I was gettin 5 spankins when I got home. ... he never did less than five. Thats just wrong.
Never take anything from strangers.
That masturbation was bad for you and God doesn't like that.
'i love you' :)
My step father always said, "children should be seen, and not heard"! It took me a long time to find my voice.
That they couldn't afford it.
go to bed
mum: 1)don't let others think for you.. you have your own brain. 2)just be mmmmm.... you 3)this is a nice outfit do you think your dad will like it?? 4)go to bed you look tired. 5)did you finish the milk?? 6)love you sweety dad: 1)never be afraid from anyone not even from me 2)i am your back up anytime 3)do you think these earings would look nice on your mum?? 4)did you finish studying?? 5)i trust you no matter what 6)i am very proud of you
never talk to strangers,which is a rule im brakeing right now(sort of) lol
If that goes in that, she can get pregnant.
My "Dad" always told me "Life isn't fair...get over it!"
My dad always tells me, "don't accept any wooden nickels." And my mom always tells me to watch out for motorcycles in my blind spot on the interstate in the summertime.
That I wasnt a "Oh I guess we are havin another baby" baby.
My dad always said, "Never buy a new car. You lose $3000 as soon as you drive it off the lot." If I ever want a new car, I'll probably buy a 6 month old or a year old car and save more than $3000 these days. Man, I hate making payments!
Always treat other people the way that you want to be treated. Once you're 18...(you're out of here), (you can get as many pets as you want),(you can smoke all the cigarettes you want)etc... If you go out and get a girl pregnant, don't you dare come back here looking for a place to stay.
"This is gonna hurt me more than it will you" LIES!!
Don't play with stone my dear!!!!!!
Study hard. It still rings in my ears! Lol.
never hurt anyone even if they hurt you. revenge is not good
"Shut up before I give you something to really cry about"
' if a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing well'
That there was monsters inside the outlets in the wall. So i wouldnt stick my fingers in them lol
When I used to ask why? they used to say " when you grow up you will find out."
-Eat your greens! (Vegetables) -There is absolutely NO boogieman under your bed or in your closet!! -Stop watching TV and do your homework! LOL theres more but i cant remember...
Eat your vegetables Pay attention in class Go to class Go outside
my name is not "can i have!"
Study HARD! Make MONEY! Respect your ELDERS! Lol.
My father always told me: "There is no free lunch. You must either earn or buy what you have. If you get something for free, someone else either worked for it or bought it..."
nobody cares. no one in this whole world cares. no one's going to help you except yourself. so just move on.
Go and stand in the corner.
"Keep your back to the wall" was another one I used to get, I'm a gay man so what does that say me now ha ha. :)
Never to blindly accept what I was told.
"Dont talk to him....You know what he wants!"
Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about.
shut the f*ck up was one my mom always seemed to say!!!! she's really mean :( :( :(
Stop hiding in your room all the time!Come and have family time with us.
When I would tell my dad to "Gimme this, gimme that" he would say "Gimme got his arm broke"! Or if I nagged him to buy me something and he said no and I kept whining, he would say "Tough titty said the kitty when the cow went dry"! When I asked my mom if she liked a new outfit or anything new that I just got, she would always say "Just as long as you like it, that's all that matters"!
to treat older people with respect, and not to speak when adults are speaking.
to treat people as i would like to be treated
my mum always said, always wear clean underwear, you never know when you are going to get hit by a bus
It's a miracle! Cave-boy came out of his cave! (a.k.a. my bedroom) -.-
Don't play ball in the house.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
You know how to behave (not that I misbehaved).
Pass your exam before!
my mom always said if I was crying to shut up or she'd give me something to cry about!
I wish you were a boy!
Wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident !
You can do anything you set your mind to!
my mom has been telling me since i was 11 "I should have had that abortion when i had the chance!" and oh yeah i hear "Id rather have a boy friend than you any day"
Want in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first. and, Just because all your friends are doing it, doesn't mean you have to.
tidy your room
I've eaten more salt than you did rice. I can SMELL what you are thinking. =O
My dad always said: make sure you always keep your legs closed and options open. my ma: always do your best [cliche] as you can see my parents are very different
Follow your instincts, If it smells bad, looks bad then it will probably taste bad....I never listened
Never to talk to strangers
Turn the lights out!! Hydro doesn't grow on trees you know!
that i was bad
I was loved and cherished and very much wanted.
don't ever get in the car with a stranger unless they offer you candy first
wrap ur tool and dont drink and drive... lol among many other things but those were the main ones lol
"We know a lot more about being <my current age> than you know about being <their current age>." Drove me nuts as a teenager, but of course they were right.
'Do whatever you want bay and we will support you'
To behave myself!!!! LOL
Dad~ "I've had it up to here!" (Holding his hand to his chin, LMAO) Mom~ "We can't afford it"...(Maybe that's why I have no money...~sigh~)
That they were proud and that they loved me!:)
From when me and my siblings were very young, they both always said "Never get married, never have kids and just get a good job" What can I say...they're sick people.
stop pissing in the corner of your room. seriously
"Tu sabe que lo que yo digo e' o quiere ser" You know what I say is or wants to be. It's her way of saying I'm always right.
to be watchful and careful. They do tell to always remember who i was,as i begun to leave an indenpendent life
Dad-you can do anything that you set your mind to. Mom-Jesus does not like that.
Dad: I love you more than i love myself. Mom: If it werent for you, i had no reason to live. Thats the reason i almost kill to make them proud.
Knowledge is power
To treat people the way I'd like them to treat me. I used to do that until I realized that some people you can treat well and they'll still be a shit to you, so now I treat people the way they treat me.
two wrongs dont make a right.
My mother always told me I'd make a great mother one day. My father always wanted one of his children to be rich and famous. So far: mother 1, father 0.
Tell the truth.
To chew with my mouth shut
To go ahead and be successful in life :)
"I just want you to turn 18 so that I can move on with my life." Now after I turned and they've moved on, I find that they call me WAY too fucking much.
That I would be put in a childrens home for naughty children.... I never was lol, and I was never that naughty anyway!
Do what ever you want.
that children should be seen and not heard
pick that up not now take out the dog tidy your room be back by [time depends on age] who are you going to see pick up the dog poo and cut the grass do you want to go into town wash the car, I'll give you Β£1 do your homework now so that you can relax afterwards. that's enough for now.
"You are special"
my mom always told me "u never want to raise a child anyone hates to see coming" ..and i didn't..but i see a lot that have. my dad always said," even of its a penny on the table,dont take it,its not your's"...i wish some of my aunts and uncles would have taught theirs this...have a few cousins that stay in and out of incarceration because they still haven't learned, its not theirs to just take...:)justme
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