• That they, more than likely were raised Catholic, and have basic knowledge of the Catholic teachings, however are not currently attending or participating in Mass, reconciliation or any other Catholic rites.
  • That they believe in what they were once taught: the Catholic religion, but they don't go to church except on holidays, and probably will only go to baptize their kids.
  • I am a non-practicing Catholic. I no longer attend mass , go to confession or receive the sacraments. I still believe in God and that Jesus died for me but I don't attend church....personal reasons.
  • Non-Practicing Roman Catholics as such do not exist, there are Non-Practicing Catholics. A Roman Catholic is one that abides by the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, that have received all the Sacraments and do regularly receive them. A non practicing Catholic could be someone: 1]Who does not observe the teachings and mandates of the Roman Catholic Church or practices the religion in his/her own way accommodating his believes to his/her lifestyle. 2]Who was married through the Roman Catholic Rite, then divorced and remarried by the civil law. Unless the religious marriage is annulled for the reason accepted by the Roman Catholic Church this person can not receive the Sacraments. This person can practice the religion on his own or go to church if so desired but repeat can not practice the rites or receive the sacraments. An ex Catholic is someone: 1]Who has decided she/he does not want to be a Roman Catholic any more and thus a renegade to his original faith. 2]Who is a blasphemous or who denies the existence of God and Jesus Christ or who has committed mortal sin and not repented in penitence. These are the most common reasons for some people to call themselves ex-catholics but the correct denomination should be non-catholics or whatever religion they may have adopted if any. If someone is asked what is your religion? That person should not answer "non-catholic" as that is not a religion. Regards.
  • they are a hypocrite..they are catholic and observe the fun stuff (if there is any fun stuff) or dogma and practices when it suits their needs and the rest of the time they do not. They probably only go to church when it suits them and they think it is safer to say than being called an athiest or agnostic. It falls into that, I'm not a roman catholic but I believe just in case there is a god kinda mind-set
  • They don't go to church. They could very well believe, etc. They aren't a good Catholic
  • They are more into the worldly things in life....which is what Satan wants of them...
  • The Catholic church really stresses the "once Catholic always Catholic" idea. I think that's why fallen away Catholics represent themselves as non-practicing Catholics. Even those who don't consider themselves Catholics are still considered Catholic by the church.
  • For those of you on this post who have commented that "non-practicing" Roman Catholics as being not good Catholics, remember that there is only One Judge and only God has that right. Just because you go to mass every Sunday, and memorize all your prayers does not give you the right to judge if someone is good or not. I know many that are very devout church goers but they do not necessarily have good hearts, intentions or character.
  • Barring invincible ignorance... See this from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Paragraph #2089: "Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him." Take your pick. In most cases, they are saying that they are a heretic. It has to do with the reason they are a non practicing Catholic. Many people don't practice their faith because they don't believe what the Church teaches, especially in morality. (i.e. the Church's moral teaching forbidding artificial birth control). They may be a schismatic if they accept the teaching of the Church in faith and morals, but will not subject themselves to Canon Law (disciplines of the Church).
  • Probably that they were raised Catholic but that they are no longer a member of any parish or participate in any of the sacraments.
  • I would guess that they want you to know that they were once catholic. To me, that's like telling everyone "I used to be vegetarian, but I now eat meat!" If you do not possess or practice the beliefs of the church (or ANY group), then you are not catholic (or a member of that group).
  • That they are a Catholic traitor in hiding. Or were abused by Catholic priests and no longer have faith in the religion despite having it's "right colour".
  • It means that they were baptized RC, but they are not active in that religion.
  • That in spite of being raised in the Catholic faith, they are chosing not to go to church and receive the sacraments. But they still consider themselves more akin to Catholicismthan any other religion.
  • that they believe in it but arent practicing it
  • They are trying to say there are 2 ways of being Catholic. There are not.
  • They are trying to say there are 2 ways of being Catholic. There are not.
  • It means they are no longer Catholic. However since Catholics are rarely disowned by the church even when they stop attending they are still "considered Catholic" so such labels are required. Ex-Catholic
  • That he or she was raised Roman Catholic but doesn't practice the religion any longer. The person could be an atheist or agnostic or simply someone who doesn't attend church but may still believe in a god. In other words, what the situation is will depend on the individual, so you'll have to ask for more information if you want to know that person is "trying to say".
  • something like this is exactly why I say I am Lutheran agnostic. It means we went through catechism so we are not ignorant about it.
  • " - I don't go to church . . . - But I still believe in (most of) the things that Roman Catholics believe "
  • they don't attend Church.

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