Its really up to the person what they wear. If they are more comfy in a one piece, then ok. If they like a two piece better, then as long as it covers everything, there shouldn't be a problem.
dickw60So you are saying the Lord God made a bad mistake when He made us to be naked and said, "we are made very good?"
12-19-2016 A lot depends on which piece. A lot more depends on which girl.
I prefer no swimming suit. If I am some place I have to wear one I go bikini.
Swim suits are a stupid type of clothing. No one including teens should wear swimsuits. They are cold and soggy. Having been a nudist for many years I have learned all clothing is unnecessary except to protect the body from harm when working dangerous jobs or when it is cold.
12-22-2016 It depends on the culture. Hawaiian girls never wore pants under their grass skirts until American tourists demanded it.
It's fine. If they wanna wear it,they can wear it.
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