• Four seven days. It will feel better. :)
  • I like that uninterrupted vacation a lot better. We need to take a real break from work and focus on our lives occasionally since we get 2 days off and holidays off anyway. It's good to have a chance to explore life rather than just have a short segment of freedom here and there. BTW TT, great question :-)
  • I would rather have several short vacations, unless I was planning a long trip, for example.
  • I'd rather have four seven day vacations throughout the year. I need regular breaks....
  • I like the frequency rather than the duration. A week is just fine for me, and knowing there's another one around the bend builds anticipation and puts me in a better mood! Great question!
  • Tough, once in awhile a long break is really sweet. But I guess I'd rather go for the 4 7-day breaks and maybe by combining days off in the week before and after, I could stretch it to 11 days:-)
  • if i could decide then when and where of the latter, i would do that
  • The latter is better in my opinion.
  • I would prefer the 4 seven day vacations. I would need another vaction from the 28 day vacation when I got back.
  • Four seven-days. A week is plety of time to recover from 3 months straight.
  • I would prefer the 4 vacations rather than a month long one. I would have a really hard time taking off for a full month, and then I would have an even harder time getting back into the groove after so long a time off.
  • I'd ather have them spread out during the year so i can work and then relax without burning out.
  • Spread out... And most employers would prefer that, too. I had over 20 days at one time. I set up the non-holiday days of the week between Chrismas and New Years, an extra long weekend between January and July (with Easter on the weekend, we didn't get vacation time), the week of July 4th (non-vaca days, again) and a bunch of long weekends. I thought it was great!
  • I would prefer to spread them out. I think I would get bored with 28 straight days off.
  • I'll take the 4 7 days anytime (which mean 11 days with weekends or 44 days to party and vacation...
  • I'd take the 4 seven day vacations. I need more than 1 break a year!
  • I'd take the 4 vacations. It would give me hope if I knew that in only 3 months, I was getting another break.
  • I'd rather have the latter because I can't sit on my ass for 28 days.
  • Actually, two 2-week vacations suits me best. I find that 1 week doesn't give me time enough to unwind....and 4 weeks is risky. What if you have done it all...and its boring...and the weather is bad....and you're stuck. I like to do a 2 week vacation during the summer somewhere in Canada. And a 2 weeks vacation in the winter somewhere south in the sun. Best of both worlds!
  • Spread 'em! Makes it easier to wait for the next one. Cuts down on post-vacation blues.
  • Spread them out. I can only stand so much vacation time. Im ready to get back to work after 3 or 4 days.
  • I would rather spread them out. One that way I can travel for the holidays. Two everything goes to pot if I take just one day off, and my work piles up. I can't imagine how bad it would be after 4 weeks.
  • Depends on where I want to go.I probably couldn't divide it up exactly as you suggest. If I was buying an expensive airfare to say Europe, I would want to make the most of it and have a month and live off the dreams the rest of the year. Otherwise I would like 2-3 holidays maybe with 10 days or so.Or a 3 week and a one week etc. All really depends on where I am going that year. You can spend a lot of time getting to and from places so a week can be eaten up just travelling. Especially if you lose time.
  • Four vacations. I get bored if a vacation is longer than a week, so that would be great.
  • I'll take a month of uninterrupted peace and quite, on the Kaanapali Beach, on the Island of Maui, ahhh can't wait! Oh, it's just an answer, right, Im not going am I? :(
  • seven day vacations spread throughout the year...
  • I guess not too many people who have responded live in the USA! I got used to the 5 weeks off in England, taking 2 weeks vacation in the summer, then a week here or there, it was great. Most of my jobs here in the USA have been like "no days off the first year, 5 days off the next year, and 10 days off after that - and oh yes - after 5 years you get 15 days off!". Well whoopedy-do! How are you supposed to take even 1 decent vacation a year with time off limited like that? Most people I worked with in Indiana hadn't taken a vacation in years. Those who did, managed 5 days off including a weekend. Sad isn't it.... But - to answer the question... 4 1 week vacations definitely. A week is long enough to relax and to visit some places in the spot you are vacationing, longer is great, and I would love a month off, but if that meant I had to wait a whole year for another vacation - NO WAY JOSE! I would rather take 4 weeks and spread them out.
  • Of the two choices, I have to go with four seven day vacations. My personal choice would be two, two week vacations because driving can use up a lot of a one week vacation, if you don't want to fly.
  • A four seven days separate leave because too long a period in one time can be too boring.
  • the seven day vacation is really a nine day vacation. four times nine is thirty six days. one two week vacation is sixteen days. times two is thirty two days. I would rather take two two week vacations.
  • Two two weeks if I am only to get twenty eight days a year.
  • 28 DAYS

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