About 8 months away from work. I can be quite lazy at times.
3 weeks-a month. I went to the west coast with my sister and cousin when I was younger. We saw Califoria, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Nice trip! Wet thhough. rained almost every day.
1 year. Hong Kong, India, Switzerland and France.
Just a week :(
Traveling, it was nearly 4 weeks.
3 years.
A car ride that lasted an entire summer.
We took our camper and headed towards Colorado (we live in Texas) and just drove around for two weeks. It was fantastic to just wander.
Three weeks. Oh that was amazing. What about you?
I was in Europe for 18 days when I was a teenager.
I've done a 30 day vacation in Australia and also a roadtrip within the USA. You need at least that in Oz to make it worth your airflights and in the USA to be able to see and do as many things as possible.
3 months through Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Bali and Lombok.
One year holiday in Europe.
a year and a half. I was unemployed. ;)
Six days. I really need to get out more.
about 16 days. My family took a car/camping trip from North Carolina to Nova Scotia and was a great trip, but I was pretty sick of my parents and brother afterwards.
8-7-2017 I quit work January 1, 2006 and I have not worked again since. I lived on savings for six months before the first social security check came.
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