I think the Lewis & Clark from Event Horizon had a great form and layout.
The Heart of Gold.
I like the alien slipstream ship from Voyager.( aka Dauntless aka Dauntless class aka Enterprise H, depending on who you talk to)
This ship in Pitch Black.
The Fake Slipstream starship in "Hope And Fear" Voyger series
Everything is relative to who you are and where you are in the timeline. In the 50's there was a black and white TV show called Space would be laughable now, but then it was awesome. I would say the first "spaceship" I ever saw at whatever age I was..whether in a movie theater or on TV, would be, to me, the most awesome!:) ((hugs))
The Outlaw Star
The SDF-1 from Robotech so powerful it not only vaporized an enemy ship from the earth's surface but just the back wash from the beam took out a second ship next to the first. AND it turns into a giant robot too!
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