• Spiderman, wolverine is merely too slow and uses his emotions. Spiderman is calm and thinks before he acts, plus he has spidey sense.
  • spiderman!
  • They did fight. A female friend of Spider-Man's was dying and asked Spidey to put her out of her misery. Wolverine happened along and mistook the situation. In the end, Spider-Man won and tricked Wolverine into killing the woman himself.
  • Wolvie just because he pretty much cannot die...thats really only why
  • Spiderman and the Human Torch were enemies for a good while as well. Spiderman tried to join the Fantastic 4 but he was turned down because he was a marginal and a loner. Spiderman and Human Torch then went on to hae an ongoing feud.
  • wolverine would destroy spiderman, spiderman couldnt even get near wolverine or he would get killed and wolverine can easily cut the web. he has the strongest metal on earth.
  • In the comics, Spidey would win because he is more popular, but in fandom Wolverine would win
  • Wolverine
  • First off spiderman didn't trick wolverine into killing the girl in that comic. Secondly if they were to fight it would depend on who was writing the story line that day. 1 cut to the gut or body or head and spiderman's a dead man, or if spiderman uses all his strength, speed and reflex'es and hits wolverine he would be unconscious,{even though he has a healing factor he still gets knock out} so it really depends on who writes the story.
  • Wolverine... Because... 1) Wolverine can't be killed. 2) He can cure his own wounds. 3) He's got claws made of the strongest metal on Earth. 4) Spidey's web can easily be torn by Wolverine. 5) One *slash* and Spidey's lying on the floor in a pool of blood. 6) And more...
  • I think Spider-Man would win because he could throw strong and fast attacks that Wolverine can't even dodge from. Unlike Wolverine, Spider-Man can use long range attacks. Spidey can use his brain to win the fight, something that Wolverine can't do. Spider-Man would then web Wolverine's claws and beat him with vicious and destructive blows, throw a car at him, and win the fight.
  • WOLVERINE!!!!!!!!!!!! he can't be killed. spiderman can't regenerate his body parts like a badass. plus he switch roles of what happened. wolverine tricked spiderman

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