Grab their butts.
Well, I'm not, but if they're friends, they won't do that. Find friends that accept you.
The polite thing to do is to return the 'compliment'. My friends and I exchange pseudohomophony remarks all the time. Don't take yourself too seriously and it'll be cool.
I would tell them: "IΒ΄m sorry, but I donΒ΄t have any time to play silly games with unpolite people."
laugh at them and remind them that i'm dating a male. not saying there's anything wrong with gays. but i'm not gay.
depends whether you are or not...Actually it isn't any of their business in any case.
tell them "im gay, you're ugly. the difference? i can change who i date."
well i would laugh as i would assume they were joking, i have called my fiance gay many times, im not calling him homosexual, well i dont know what im saying it just comes out! have no idea why, i have nothing against gay people so im not putting him down before anyone has a go!! so if i was called gay id laugh
Just laugh and call them something equally ridiculous back. I don't mean that being gay is ridiculous, but I just got married to my husband, so they know I'm happy to be a hetero female!
Problably just say,"Yes!I'm gay!Would you like to be gayed?"
it depends, we all say it to each other just to laugh at, but when someone means it, then a huge problem will take place
Get a girlfriend.
Why, I'd agree, of course.
your opinion of yourself should be defined by you not your friends. be content in who you are. now for the fun part! say "yes i should think that is obvious." give them an apraising look and say "as is your obvious straigtness."
assume they mean happy
I would pat them on the back smile and say you wish but no your mistaken my foolish friend.
I would have to find some friends first. Then once I found the friends and they called me gay. I would laugh because I am heterosexual.
I*'d ask them if they were jealous!
you found out hay...
That was a common insult back in the day growing up. Would usually give them a silimiar insult back.
Make them suck my d*** (j/k! We call eachother all sorts of things that aren't true. It's no biggie in my group)
Someone assumed i was straight once and it rolled off me like water off a ducks back.
Hey, she's the one doing me.
i would call them gay back
Nothing out of the ordinary.
I would just laugh. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not gay. I don't look gay, I don't talk gay, I don't walk gay, I don't smell gay.
I say "and..."
Why, do you need a pitcher tonight? Your greatest question in life is lube or no lube. You're on the San Francisco Foamy Rockets water polo team aren't you? This ones called the flamer.
i'd say "no, sar-ah my name is sarah. you'd think after knowing me all this time - you'd know my name" ;'-(
than what does that make you? does this mean im a transi??? stop hitting on me!! how would you know??? sorry but im a ladies man... without a lady thats not what your mom said =P (mom can be replaced by sister also)
My friends already know I am lesbian, and my friends aren't juvenile enough to use "gay" as an insult.
thank them and finish eating my burger.
I just ignore them. I know I am not attracted to men in the least bit (not that there is anything wrong with that if that's what you like) so why should I let what immature assholes want to think affect me.
break down in tears. my friends/ as opposed to acquaintances know of my sexuality. if they break down in tears, tell them to stop, and promise to still love them in morning
Not sure that I would really mind. I would usually ask if they meant happy, homosexual or stupid and then wait to hear their answer.
depends on the context. usually, during "guy talk" people call each other gay and its not a big deal. you could come up with wity comments to reply back such as: - "you are gay" - "dude, im way out of your league" - "you are gay" - "yes i would totaly do you" - "you are gay" - "you are a funny guy...come one say something else...ok stop"
wow, I guess the secret's out.
I would get really awkward feeling. Or skip around, oh you mean gay like happy? Gotcha, friends.
tell them they can think whatever, but tell them i know i'm not so really, whatever. i know i'm straight, i know what i'm attracted to, why should what someone-even a friend-say matter because it's not going to change the fact that i like the opposite sex...
givem a big ol sloppy kiss and tell them to get over it
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