• I do believe humans have already been cloned in the U.S and Europe. Im sure we could verify on the net.
  • If not, I would be happy to volunteer myself to be the cloning guinea pig. I can spend my day at the beach while my clone goes to work!! Last I heard about legitimate cloning involved the sheep several years ago.
  • There is research going on I'm sure, in America, England and who knows where else? It's legal up to a certain extent, embryonic stage for stem cell production I believe. The latest news is that they're experimenting with hybrid stuff, mixing human with animal genetic material! There's a controversy going on right now. What do you think of that? Personally, I tink it's monstrous and terrifying.
  • Yes their is lots of research by private scientists, NGO and in most cases supervised by governments. If you would like further information, check this link to the Human Genome Project: If you want videos on Genetic Modifications check this blog:;_ylt=AvxWfaw83kpcm299OfrrybEyFOJ3?cq=1 Regards
  • If a person gets himself cloned would his and his dna be the same? If yes won't that mess up forensic data banks?
  • I thought I heard of the first cloned baby being born in Florida, but I think that is just a rumor. There is probably underground research. There are already moral standards on the issue.
  • I had myself cloned,had to put other me down ,too obnoxious
  • There have not been any verified human clonings...but yes the technology is already there..only a matter of fact I'm sure its's already happened.....But no at this point it's not legal...doesn't mean it's not happening
  • HUman cloning had been researched, but not enough information has been found to attempt it. Byt eh way, what happened to your avatar? :)
  • "In January, 2008, Wood and Andrew French, Stemagen's chief scientific officer in California, announced that they successfully created the first 5 mature human embryos using DNA from adult skin cells, aiming to provide a less-controversial source of viable embryonic stem cells. Dr. Samuel Wood and a colleague donated skin cells, and DNA from those cells was transferred to human eggs. It is not clear if the embryos produced would have been capable of further development, but Dr. Wood stated that if that were possible, using the technology for reproductive cloning would be both unethical and illegal. The 5 cloned embryos, created in Stemagen Corporation lab, in La Jolla, were later destroyed." "In 1978 David Rorvik claimed in his book In His Image: The Cloning of a Man that he had personal knowledge of the creation of a human clone. A court case followed. He failed to produce corroborating evidence to back up his claims; now regarded as a hoax. Severino Antinori made claims in November, 2002 that a project to clone human beings had succeeded, with the first human clone due to be born in January 2003. His claims were received with skepticism from many observers. In December 2002, Clonaid, the medical arm of a religion called Raëlism, who believe that aliens introduced human life on Earth, claimed to have successfully cloned a human being. They claim that aliens taught them how to perform cloning, even though the company has no record of having successfully cloned any previous animal. A spokesperson said an independent agency would prove that the baby, named Evá, is in fact an exact copy of her mother. Shortly thereafter, the testing was cancelled, with the spokesperson claiming the decision would ultimately be left up to Evá's parents. On October 9, 2003, newspaper Le journal de Montréal published an article accusing Clonaid and the Raelian religion of maintaining an outright hoax in its claims regarding cloning a human baby. In December 2004 Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, Clonaid's Chief Executive, claimed in a letter to the UN that Clonaid has successfully cloned 13 children, however their identities cannot be revealed to the public in order to protect them." Source and further information:
  • I believe we were the first country to clon a sheep ( its name was molly, ) or have I got that wrong?????
  • I have proof that human cloning exist and in exactly one month i will bring this proof to light, I am the first cloned human and i plan to expose those who have used us for personal gain, if any one talks to a clonaid rep any time soon tell them im coming for them and im not alone.

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