• I'm a guy, but thanks for the tip, Sara. : )
  • You are not the only one. Let me tell you about me and my big mouth. I went shopping during lunch with a friend of mine, and she bought some ear rings. A few days later I was at her house and saw her wearing them. I started in talking about how I wanted to go back to that shop and pick up something I had seen there. Her husband asked me if they have anything for men. I told him about some watch bands, and tie clips. He looked straight at his wife and said next time you go, let me know and I'll go with you. She later told me she had told him those ear rings were in the box of jewelry she had inherited from her mother! I was totally shocked that someone would actually lie to her own husband. I had never heard of such a thing. Now, I'm a lot less innocent.
  • No. My husband and I are open and honest at all times. (Sorry SaraMonster. Hope I don't get you in trouble!)
  • Nah, my husband lets me control the finances. He knows if I bought it, we must of been able to afford it.
  • Never. I suffer from acute guilt and shame. I can't hide or lie about things. I would just blurt it out so I tell him everything. And I rarely buy anything large or major without discussing it with him. Our money is both of ours and we each feel it's best to be up front and honest.
  • I don't. I make my own money, any way I want, and I spend my own money, any way I want.
  • I have my own money and spend it any way I want to, my husband would never control what I spend or not even if it were his money. He encourages me to go shopping though he knows I have an expensive eye and spend a lot, never the less he enjoys it when I buy whatever that I like. He usually comes along and laughs very much at my comments.
  • I don't sneak it in but I also don't parade around with my purchases either:) I will put on a new shirt and does he notice? Nope.
  • No, I never do that. If we can't afford it, I don't buy it. I am the tight-wad in the family. He sometimes has to nag me to get me to spend money on myself.
  • ROFL !!!!!!!DAMN SARA WHY DID YOU TELL ? I did do it all the time, but now that the secret is out.I hope I can live with you :)
  • You are not the only one my friend...I do it all of the time. And he never notices what is new or old..not sure if that is a good thing. What do you think?
  • I just don't mention it.
  • I always tell my husband what i have bought and how much it costs,mind you he is asleep at the time but i look at it that i havnt lied to him and told him everything...he just looks bewildered when i say but i told you the other night,you never listen to a word i say:-)
  • Nope. I usually bring it home and show it off the first chance I get! Neither of us has to hide purchases from the other, though he's the one who tends to be more free spending money than I am.
  • Are you kidding? He flips over what he thinks he knows, he'd really have a big one if he REALLY knew. Once I got caught bringing in a bag from the mall......hahahaha, I told him it wasn't mine, that I was hiding it for a friend!....lame? Yes. but hey, that was SHORT notice!!!!!!!!!!lmao!
  • yeah like with my horrible addiction to skin care! i try to sneak it in or hide wher i hav been. yah kno ditch the bag, put it in my sac wen i walk into the apt, but i feel horrible. i already kno how the lecture is gonna start and i kno wat he is gonna say, so i just tell him and say everything he is gonna say and appologise and he giggles n tells me no more. skin care addiction . . . its a horrible thing!
  • No but my Hubby use to try that one on me and it never worked.
  • Oh you fuckers! Xing totally does that too. I've got news for ya. Guys do it too. I have something chromed on my motorcycle. She'll never notice. HaHa!
  • I don't lie about buying things but I do on occasion overexaggerate(sp?) how good of a sale it was.

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