• I do. I like to read interesting tombstones and compare how different stones are made.
  • Oh I do!! It's like walking through history. I especially love very old, church cemetaries.
  • Only if someone I love is buried there. :)
  • yes its pretty cool
  • I don't do it often, but I like to read the really old headstones, back when they'd put interesting or funny stuff on them!
  • I do. There are some interesting cemeteries in the state I live in and I plan on visiting more of them this year.
  • Everybody save COHENS!
  • I like to visit old ones that were along important trails. makes me feel connected.
  • I visited one about three weeks ago when I was picking out my final resting place.
  • Only to snigger
  • my mom really likes reading the headstones. I don't mind going with her, but I don't go on my own.
  • I do I like the creepyness
  • My very first date was at a cemetary. :)
  • I just feed some fish at a cemetary yesterday
  • I like to see all the stones and read the inscriptions.
  • I certainly spend a lot of time in the cemetery. I feel as if most of the residents are friends since I meet their families and you hear all about them . I have visited some very interesting cemeteries around the world , it is strange how all nations do things differently. One of the most poignant and beautifully kept Cemeteries was the German Military cemetery on Crete. Almost all of the dead soldiers were aged from 16 to 20. It was very sad.
  • I love visiting old cemeteries and reading each headstone and learning some of the history about the people who lived there. Sometimes, it is heartbreaking when you see young ones who died, or women probably in childbirth, many deaths on the same date or same year, wars, accidents. But it does help to gain a picture of what it was like and reflect on our own times.
  • visiting beats the heck out of staying there
  • Not I. I've never been to one.
  • oh! oh! I know... VAMPIRES! What do I win?
  • I do. They are a good place to reflect and think about those who went before.
  • I used to live right by where my Grandmother was buried , and popped by on occasion. I dont miss living there though, it was a bit creepy.
  • I don't mind visiting a Cemetery, because my Dad's body was buried there on October 16th, 2007, and plus cemateries are very peaceful and the flowers are beautiful.
  • I live about a 30 second walk away from the largest cemetery in the southern hemisphere. I love to walk through it when the sun is setting, just at dusk, or on a cloudy day.
  • There seems to be a lot of people who do. I mow a few of them & see people show up trying to find a name of someone they want to write about. Are just take photos. I think this is one way many have came up with enough info:. To wright or create a family tree for them selfs or someone else..................+6............M.C.S.
  • I like to visit all of them except where my mom is buried. Its been five years, and the last time I was there, I was tossing a handful of dirt down the hole. Havent gone back since, and am not sure I can. Not yet.
  • there is one about 50 yrds from my house out back. on the weekend me and my son go for a walk in there.
  • i love cemeteries. i love the creepy yet peaceful look to them.
  • I do, I've always found them to be very peaceful.
  • I visit one almost ever day -lol I work at one, and when we travel we like to stop and look at them too
  • Sure, but it's kind of overrated when you have an idea in your head about some gnarly ancient graveyard and the one here is all nice and modern. Still, it's nice and relaxing, and there's this huge stone thing with stairs going up in it and on top where you can see the whole graveyard. It has various religious statues engraved in and on it. Plus, people come and light candles on the structure at night, and around some tombstones. Thing is I never actually saw anyone do that, I walk in there at night sometimes and the candles are just there, lit up and alone. It's creepy and magical. :) You see them here and there from atop the structure, it's pretty. I did go to an actual old graveyard once though in the country in Manitoba. It had these really old graves, just like in the movies, it was so awesome. The church was really small too. And, there's a story about it...long time ago a little girl died in the village, she was about seven years old. They buried her in there, and instead of giving her a grave, they planted a small pine tree. Well, today in the middle of the graveyard there's this humongous pine tree growing, it's so sweet. :)
  • i like to visit but i am ready to live there too! but i might choose to live at your house instead!
  • Yeah, the city where i live, it is a great place to be in nature and all that without being in a park with lots of kids running about and all that...
  • I enjoy being in cemeteries because it is so peaceful. also I enjoy taking ORB Pics.. !!
  • I do. The oldest the better. I wish we lived close to one, walking distance. I would go every day if that was the case. Unfortunetly I have never lived near one. I would love to be able to see the cemetery from my house especially in the night. I just love cemeteries. Weird I guess to some.
  • I do. I have several good ones in my area.
  • Not me. I even try not to look there when I'm passing. I quit one of my jobs because the windows of a high-rize office building were facing a cemetery. It was so depressing to see it every day, that I couldn't bear it anymore.
  • Raccoons, Foxes, Dogs, Squirrels, and birds frequent cemetaries...
  • I like to walk around and look at names, seems like everytime i do, i find someone that i knew and didn't even know that they died.
  • Visiting's fine, but I wouldn't wand to be a permanent resident. Actually, I quite enjoy cemeteries. Very peaceful. I actually took a picnic lunch to a cemetery in the mountains a couple weeks back. There were feral rabbits -- it was nice.
  • I find cemeteries fascinating. Especially the older ones, where the stones were incredible sculptures. As a child, our family often stopped at random cemeteries as we traveled on vacation. The funniest headstone inscription we ever saw said, " I told you I was sick."
  • I like to visit cemeteries. They are peaceful and so full of history. Read the headstones and you will learn about the people and the times. Should you see several in one family having died within a few days, you know there was some kind of disease/fever that claimed the lives. Many years ago families used to take picnic lunches when they went to the cenetery to visit their deceased loved ones, clean up the plot, or even do a little socializing. They are such beautiful places. While doing genealogy work in one county in Iowa, I observed the cemeteries were on a hill with evergreen trees. They could be spotted from a distance even if you didn't know where they were.
  • I do. No matter what cemetery: old, new, ancient. It doesn't matter to me. I miss it if I don't visit at least one cemetery every week. I don't care what people think. I am at my happiest and peaceful in them. My refuge since the real world gets on my nerves so much. I especially like the old ones though and the ones who have character.
  • I love them.
  • I love visiting them as historic places, especially in Boston and other old New England towns. It gives you a sense of continuity with the past. I like them as peaceful public places. In the spring it is wonderful to go early in the morning and watch the migrating birds.
  • Its my favorite place to go on a date or by myself or whatever. i visit them often. no reason
  • I find it very peaceful and interesting knowing you are walking among thousands of people who once lived- makes me wonder about what their lives would have been like, how they died..

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