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  • Me, never ! Oh my gosh, that would be like in one of my nightmares!!!
  • Went skinny dipping once in high school.
  • Yes =)
  • Half naked having sex outside and getting the mail in a towel.
  • yes sure.
  • I went streaking in high school.Otherwise I do skinny dip in my pool at night,my neighbors haven't complained.So I don't know if that qualifies.
  • Today was beautiful so after school I went to my friend David's house with some of my other friends. At around 3 most everyone had to leave so we ended up in the backyard which isn't fenced and there is a road that goes beside it. I commented that I should have laid out and soaked up some sun today and David said I should do it right then. It sort of escalated to a dare so I tanned in his backyard nude for a half hour. A few cars honked and one drove by like three times. My two male friends sitting nearby kept me feeling safe though lol. I have tanned nude outside before at a nearby lake and I also do crazy dares that get me outside nude. Its cool to be doing naughty things like that :)
  • yup, love it.
  • I don't know but I'd love to lick your clit several times a day just to watch you cum so good!
  • Yeah plenty of times. In my late teens, I frequently gave myself challenges to do - many of these involved going somewhere public, taking all my clothes off and masturbating (hoping I didn't get caught). I never got caught in the sense of someone making it known they caught me, but I like to think that perhaps I was seen! Anyway, don't do that any more, too risky - I had nothing to lose back then!
  • been to a nudist reort near Guelph, Ontario a number of times. Had a wonderful time. it was kind of impulsive and semi-drunken the first time, but we loved it. We're not exhibitionists or anything. Just nice to be comfortable outside naked. y'all are missing something.
  • Oh, I have, and I love it. Have done it lots of times, and try and find ways to do it. Either in places nudity is accepted, like a nude beach. But also in remote places. I will try and find a place just off a trail or road, where is a low likelyhood of getting seen (although) there has to be some "risk". And get naked. Then I walk away from my clothes. I dare myself to go further and further. I also strip in public washrooms, Change rooms, anyplace there are people. I have also gone to gas station washrooms, stripped myself nude, and left the door "accidently" unlocked.
  • Apart from skinny dipping with friends no.
  • Yes :)
  • Not that i remember so far..Hmmm..let me think now
  • Only in those horrible cliched dreams of being naked in the middle of your school or in the middle of the road lol.
  • Only when I know for sure I'm all alone. Just a dare to myself and a momentary comfort.
  • Yes....when I was young and did not care about offending anyone.
  • Yes, I'm a nudist and I model nude for artists.
  • I've gone for a drive at times sans clothes. Also walks in the woods. Could get caught, but haven't.
  • Oh yes. I used to love it. Our bathroom had two doors. One that would open from the inside of the house and one that would open to the outside. When I was a teenager, I used to love leaving the outer bathroom door a lil open so that my neighbour (male) could watch me. I would show him how much my breasts grew and also mastrubate to him. We never touched, but he would always watch me bathe for quite a long time. I knew he'd cum then by the way he'd be jackin off and then be satisfied. used to love getting him to cum this way. He was a few years younger to me. I used to enjoy it so much. Now am married and dont do crazy things like this that I liked to do before.
  • yes my wife and i have been nude on foreign beaches and once i got her to stand naked by an interstate hwy.
  • I had sex on a river-bank once. Anyone could have walked along!
  • yes, infront of camera man...i took a personal nude pictures , a good photographer took them to me.....also i got nude in nude beach
  • When I was below three, yes. After that, I don't think so.
  • Yes I have. I enjoy nude beaches and nudist resorts. When I was a teenager, I used to go for walks in the woods behind my house and strip down. The farmer next door used to watch me sometimes, but that didn't bother me. Now my husband and I are naked all the time.
  • oh yeah..skinny dipping...tons of times
  • yes, but very discreetly
  • whenever I can
  • Yeah The beach my street and local parks
  • Yep somtimes I when I with my husband I will be nude but mostly at night.
  • Yes I been nude in the car driving and riding. I also went to my mail box nude,
  • I have lots of times, it's fun fun. Got caught lots of times too which I dearly love. One of my favorite times that I didn't get caught was completely by accident. I was at a campgroud and the first morning I was up bright and early and headed for the showers. The showers where at one end of the building and then you had to put your towel on and go in the side door. I'm a guy but I totally by accident used the ladies room. Was naked in there for quite a while and thought nothing of it until the next day I looked at the sign when I saw a lady comming out of the "men's" room. I couldn't believe I did it and got away with it.
  • Yes, beaches & a public park.

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