What else could you do but eat!!
I'd brace myself against the sides and kick the door open. Unfortunately, the kids we occasionally hear or read about who get trapped and die in old refrigerators are neither big enough or strong enough to do so...
Suffocate probably.
Wonder how I fit in there.
Just Chillax and play it cool...
Eat whatever is in there, and then wait till I suffocate:)
For an old home refrigerator with a latch: Rock it until it falls over and hope the latch breaks. For a walk-in refrigerator you might find in a restaurant, the situation is not quite as dire. You're not likely to suffocate in one of those, but the cold will still be a danger. First, I'd wrap my hands with cloth to protect them from touching cold metal, since I'm probably going to be dismantling things to get the tools I need to break out. Dismantling shelves might provide a good lever to try to break the latch on the door. Or, if there's a window and they're heavy enough, I could try to break it with a shelf's leg, then reach through and open the door. Failing those ideas, I'd have to start getting a bit more creative, and it would depend on why the refrigerator door isn't opening and the resources available inside.
I would say my prayers of thanks for the bounty bestowed upon me. Then hope I would choke on something and pass out never coming to. This seems better then slow suffocation. Different twist on the "LastSupper"
Eat hot
Probably die for lack of oxygen.
I'd chill out..
I wouldn't be in there very long the kids are aways opening the door not a problem.
Exit. I've worked for too many years in restaurants to be trapped in a walk-in fridge; I know about the emergency escape apparatus. As to a home fridge?... I'd just shove against the door, home fridges don't have much in the way of secure doors.
First of all, I doubt I would FIT in a refrigerator, unless it's one of those commercial types or walk-ins. A small box fridge - I'd put my back against the back, my feet and hands against the door and PUSH and/or KICK, and hope I have enough strength to break the hinges or latch. If I couldn't, I'd try to wriggle SOMETHING through the magnetic seal and hope I broke it far enough to let air in. A large, walk-in? In the old days, I'd probably have taken a couple of front-quaters off the hooks, tear up some boxes, use the boxes and insualation, on the floor and me, and lay under the tipped up (barely) quarters for warmth until someone unlocked/opened the door. (I ain't no MacGuyver!) Now-a-days, I'd probably use as much cardboard as I could find and insulate as much as I could.
id be just chillin, have an ice cold beer...... ( chillin,,, lol)
I dont see how on earth you'd get trapped- unless someone chained it shut or something. There is nothing holding the door shut except for the "suction" of the rubber door seal. If you can pull it open from the out side you can certainly push it from the inside. I am assuming you are reffering to a home refrigerator. If your referring to a walk in, sure you can get stuck in there. If I got stuck in a walk-in refrigerator I'd bang on the doors to get someones attention. In the meantime, at least I wouldnt starve to death! (unless I was in there a really long time)
plug the holes with food until the thing overheats and breaks then i would eat the food before it goes bad... hopefully there is plenty of beer so i could have a good time before i come and get you, you mutha fuka!
Have a snack. Hey, I'm here.
Suffocate and die I suppose.
I would ask for help from the elephant who left the footprints in the jello :)
decrease the cold
Find the beer yo...
Play it kool until someone opened the fridge.
Probably not much, it would be pretty cramped.
Eat the pie!
I'd start with the olives and cheese, then maybe a jelly sandwich. Actually, it would have to be an old refrigerator to have a latch that locks when the door is closed. We had one when we were kids. Also a freezer. Dangerous, but only if all the shelves are out so someone can get in.
I'd push the door open, It reguires less than 3 lb of of force to open
That can no longer happen, at least in the US. Manufacturers have taken steps to insure that, though a refrigerator can seal in cold, it cannot keep it's seal when pushed from the inside.
I'm claustrophobic so this questions is making it hard for me to breath lol I would freak out!!
Turn it up to the warmest setting, eat to survive, and kick the hell out of the door.
... find a way to get out, or die trying ...
Eat the veg and cold ham
EAT EAT EAT! otherwise i would have no room in that dam fridge!
Eat lunch
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