I like it when I can make anyone laugh...really.
If you can see up her skirt
Unless the women are laughing AT them, yes.
Depends on what they're looking at when laughing.
Not when the guy is taking off his pants.
depends how they make em laugh x
I love it when I can make a woman laugh. I love the sweet little giggles, especially if they're tough, and they don't laugh too much :) A sidebar - I have a female customer at work who has THE most annoying laugh, it's like a shrill HEE EEE EEE whiny squeak - when dealing with her, I try very hard to be as unflattering and nonfunny as possible :)
Yes they really like making them laugh.....They feels as their presence is adding happiness to womesn life and they feel good abt it
Mine don't just like it he prefers it.
Yes! Laughter leads to sex, unless of course the laughter is something about sex, at which point the laughter ensures that there will be no more sex
Personally...I like making anyone laugh. :)
If you can make a girl laugh - you can make her do anything.
Nothing better than making a woman laugh...
I love to have a good time. I love to make my woman laugh and entertain her. I prefer a free and open person with a great sense of humor. I like to get silly some times, I love to laugh and I want that in the person I'm with. Laughter is healthy, a woman laughing is like eating too. I want to see her with healthy appetites for both and for life itself.
it depends why they are laughing, if it's because the woman enjoys my jokes, it's funny, if it's because they find me ridiculous, then no.
Duh, that's why we made you laugh!
I cant speak for everyone but as for my future husband, he loves to see me laugh that lets him know that im happy and satisfied with the way that he's treating me.
Yes, because women always say "I want a guy with a sense of humor...I want a guy that can make me laugh..." So I think that is the ultimate "she is liking me..." sign.
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