• Condoms should only be used once. They can develop microscopic holes from stretching and using a second time is like none at all. Their effectiveness is only 90% to begin with. Two methods should be used at all times, and then there is still a risk.. not only with pregnancy but disease.
  • this still does not answer my question. i stated using a totaly seperate new condom.
  • sperm can survive at least 48 hours after beeing Ejaculated, inside to a woman's body. if it is any different outside any body, i don't know. But i would imagine it would be shorter.
  • The sperm cannot tolerate heat at all and die when reached at 60 deg c and loose their mobility at 45 deg c. If kept at room temp, some can survive as long as 48 hrs. At body temperature even after 2 hrs of ejacuation the sperms in semen is good enough to enter an ovum.
  • 15 minutes

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