Hey! I just shaved at Midnight, going to eat some food, get some homework done, annd... Well vaccuuming is a little outlandish, but theres a lot of night people out there!
maybe they're expecting company tomorrow evening and are going to be working all day tomorrow and won't have time to straighten up. that's a reason why i have vacuumed at midnight.
i do! thats when i usually get motivated to do the cleaning.
Thats not a vacuum honey, thats a Rampant Rabbitβ’ !
Heck if there was a speck of dirt my mom would in a New York minute !!!
My wife has been known to do it. Whenever her OCD kicks in.
Your neighbour does.
Although I don't vacuum at night, I've cooked, done laundry and ironing at the witching hour.
Most likely they dropped the cocaine on the floor. You know how hard that is to clean up...
Obsessive Compulsives?
Sounds like perfectionists!
My mom.
I have an obsessive compulsive friend who does.
Maybe they dropped a cake.
Doug and Dave, but that is part of their community service.
People who are trying to remove evidence from the scene of their crime!
>>who the heck vacuums at midnight?<< Your neighbors upstairs.
yeh! your neighbours! lol...
neighbors that want to miss you off
People that work night shifts or "off normal" hours.
Your neighbors upstairs.
Someone with insomnia, or OCD. Maybe they just don't have any time during the day. I'm a mom and well, i've been up at 1 or 2 a.m. before cleaning while the kids were asleep, though I wouldn't be vaccuming, that's too loud. Sorry about that problem though!
People who don't have any clocks / watches in the house and no windows so they can't see it's dark outside?
My sister. She claims to have OCD.
Yes, tweekers...... But then, I have an Autistic son who enjoyed breaking eggs in the carpets. He'd get up, in the middle of the night very very quietly, open the fridge and have a blast. I don't miss those days, but yes...on those occaisions, I vacuumed at midnight after scrubbing the mess...1AM....3AM....
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