take it to satin's 5 track
Amongst other things, cut my bread so it toasts it at the same time.
I would chop your onions with it. (what? LOL)
I can only assume since all of the weight is in the handle, and I have only average if not sub average human reflexes and coordination. Cut myself in half.
After I played with it (very carefully) for a little while, I'd sell it for a buttload of cash. I'm not that big of a fan boy and it's not very practical, or safe, to use for home defense. I would however sell it to someone out of the ordinary, like a wealthy Rastafarian, or some Masai tribal chief (just for gits and shiggles)
fry the spider that has appeared on the ceiling in the bathroom.
Samurai Haircuts. Who's first?
Take it apart and figure out how it works.
Sell it on ebay.
I'd drop it and see if it could cut to the center of the earth.
I gave my b/f one and he acts dramatic and acts out being a jedi haha.
Cut onions with it.
Become the envy of all my geeky friends.
... carefully study and reverse engineer it, patent the manufacturing process to make more, sell the manufacturing rights for a big slice of royalties, then put the original back together and practice with it daily.
I would probably laugh and clap because it was shiney, yay "light on, light off, light on, light off" then because I'm a klutz I'd drop it and hack off half my leg, get mad and throw it in a pond lol
say thank you so very much... yes after that i would do everything to become a jedi knight. but i think thanks are first. +3
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