• No one knows not even them.
  • Same as most I'd say, living, working, paying bills, paying taxes, etc........
  • Not exclusively: Do no harm Learn, grow and strive to be a more educated, kind and useful individual Try to make the world you leave a better one than you were born in Have fun If possible live for ever Well those are mine anyway. I dunno about any other atheists; we are not an organised group so we all have differing opinions on the matter. We just happen to agree that we don't believe in god.
  • what is the meaning of life to a religious person?
  • When I went through that phase in my life of non-believing and thought I was right by declaring no God existed my meaning was in trying to destroy the beliefs of those "stupid" believers and make sure they knew they were so wrong. Now, after all my years of trying to put it together and all the research I personally have done on the issue, I realized that the only logical explanation is that there is a creator, not a molecule that miraculously appeared then caused the big bang that created all we know.
  • To counterbalance the madness of rabid Theists.
  • Whatever we choose to make it. I didn't ask to be here, I just am. I'll enjoy my life as best I can, and help other people enjoy theirs, for as long as it lasts. I sure as hell won't be telling 'em all they're going to burn in eternal torture for thinking about sex, or marry 72 virgins if they run out and kill a bunch of people who don't believe in your god and die yourself in the process.
  • Meaning is not in things but in between them. - Norman Brown
  • Death, to me.
  • The meaning of life to THIS atheist is the pursuit of fun
  • I'd have to say that it's meaning is: "Any chemical process which exhibits metabolism, reproduction, and adaptation." Unless of course you meant to ask "What is the purpose of life?", but to ask that you need to assume that there is one, which in turn requires the assumption of intent... Which I clearly don't see as an atheist. So, this question makes just as much sense as "Why are Unicorns hollow?" - just because you can ask the question, doesn't mean that there is an answer. In both questions, you need to have already assumed something (that Unicorns 'are' hollow, or that life 'has' a purpose) before you can answer it.
  • the pursuit of truth and knowledge, scientific advancement, understanding our universe.... stuff like that.
  • I had no idea that Atheists had their very own dictionary.., uhm!
  • To find out that there really is a God and that He forgives you.
  • Why would one presume life has any intrinsic meaning? Life just is. Life only has meaning we ascribe to it through concepts we capture by language, but language is an arbitrary construct.
  • Sex, drugs and rock and roll!! (Just joking. Some of us prefer alternative music :)
  • Hopefully, the meaning of life to anyone, including atheists, would be to use the short gift of your life to make a positive impact on the world you live in and its other inhabitants, by being compassionate, engaged, kind, helpful, and productive. Since this is typically not the case, I'll give you the cynical version. The meaning of life to all life forms is to live long enough to procreate and insure the continued existence of the species.
  • To have as much fun and do whatever interests you while you are here.
  • While I'm not an atheist, I'm a generalized agnostic (I don't know anything, much less if there's a god or not). I'd have to say the meaning of life is to live. Seems simple enough to me.
  • I am, and to me is to live life, and keep myself alive until my passing, and I become one with the planet to rise again in a new form.
  • I guess it doesn't mean shit....
  • the whole point of being an atheist is that you dont belive there is one meaning or reason for life you have to find your own meaning
  • does there have to be a meaning?
  • Life itself. We don't waste time with the imaginary.
  • An athiest would say "we're just here". There is no "meaning" and life is just existence. If you want a meaning it is simply this.... preserve the species or tomorrow we will be gone.
  • What is the meaning of "meaning of life"? Who said life was a message in the first place? Life is. Make of it what you will.
  • Speaking for this particular Atheist, a big part of life's meaning is trying to understand life's meaning or lack thereof for yourself. Life has no inherent meaning unless you assume that some singular consciousness created it and gave it that meaning. I for one believe that the meaning in everything stems from how you choose to percieve it. All things being equal in their subjectivity, any meaning or lack thereof a person chooses to assign to their existence has the same exact same amount of "Truth" to it. If you choose to embrace the belief that there is a God who created the universe with some specific purpose in mind, there is your "Truth" and your "Meaning"; If you choose to embrace the belief that there is no god and that life has no particular purpose, there is your "Meaning" (or lack thereof); If you choose to believe that the sole purpose of your existence is to eat, have fun, and have sex with anyone and everyone within arm's reach, that becomes the "Truth" and "Meaning" in your life. -------------- Just to add a little disclaimer to this answer, I don't define myself as an "Atheist" in the strictest sense of the term, nor would I consider myself an Angostic or a Theist, because all three of those groups believe that, whether they know it or not, God either does or does not exist. I, on the other hand, don't believe that anything in spiritualism or existentialsm can even be thought of in terms as simple as "Does" and "Does Not".
  • I am a Christian. They do not understand that their belief is a lie constantly fed to them by satan. It is instilled in everyone of us to know that there is a God. It doesn't make it any less true by repressing it. Devote as much time in your heart to the Word as you have in denying it and your eyes will be opened.
  • The question is "What is the meaning of life to an Atheist?" not about God or not God. Really only an Atheist can answer this question. It does no good to argue "God or No God" that's not the answer to the question.
  • The quest for knowledge.
  • Alcohol.
  • live for today, for tomorrow your car gets repo'ed.
  • i don't like the word 'atheist' and i wouldn't say i DO or DONT believe in god or am AGAINST it, but life is just the same. you just don't think of everything as a 'blessing'
  • I have neither a right, wrong, or truthful answer to this question. But i would think that we would want a chance to be ourselves, not the stereotypical people of todays society. A chance to love. To make a difference in the world just like everyone else. To have children and teach them right from wrong. Just to be.
  • what do you want it to mean?
  • An unexplainable phenomenon that begins and ends constantly.
  • I don't think it has to have any inherent meaning. It's pretty fine just the way it is. To paraphrase Douglas Adams, it is enough to see that the garden is beautiful - I don't have to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too.
  • Living life, finding your own truth. Being proud of YOURSELF instead of attributing all of your achievements and success to an invisible, egomaniacal sky fairy. Living life without guilt, fear, or needless prejudice. Think of how much war and death this world would have been spared, if not for religion... Seriously, is it really worth it anyway?
  • To me, thats like asking the 'meaning' of earthquake, or other natural occurance. I guess its a contradiction that we intuitively feel life should have a meaning, even though it may actually not. Of course, as an atheist, I still have a personal understanding of what my life is about, and what my experiences 'mean' to me. Perhaps if atheists collectively came up with an absolute 'meaning of life', then that may consititute a theism, since it would apply to everyone. (and therefore be 'outside' ourselves)
  • It varies from person to person but for me it's to be the best person I can be, do everything I do whole heartedly, grow in wisdom and knowledge. I also have a feeling deep down that a 'purpose' of mine is too help animals. It's a passion and a burning desire to help them. Seriously. But yeah as corny as it sounds, I think that's my purpose in life.
  • Depends on the individual atheist....might have been a better question to ask if you are an atheist what does life mean to you?
  • One big accident that accidentally evolved consistently for billions of years. and since accidents have no purpose, the meaning of life to an Atheist should be nothing.
  • Meaning is assigned by intelligent beings. We each assign our own meanings to life.
  • Life has a lot of meaning to me as well as death and I don't find it necessary to believe or disbelieve in a God. I've got a different take on our existence.I believe that underneath my superficial self, which pays attention to this and that, there is another self more really us than I. And the more you become aware of the unknown self -- if you become aware of it -- the more you realize that it is inseparably connected with everything else that is. You are a function of this total galaxy, bounded by the Milky Way, and this galaxy is a function of all other galaxies. You are that vast thing that you see far, far off with great telescopes.You are that tiny thing seen through powerful microscopes. You look and look, and one day you are going to wake up and say, "Why, that's me!" And in knowing that, you know that you never die. You are the eternal thing that comes and goes that appears -- now as John Jones, now as Mary Smith, now as Betty Brown -- and so it goes, forever and ever and ever.
  • My immortality is my children and my children's children.
  • Does an Atheist have a burial, do they have a wake, are they all dressed up with no where to go? What do you do when you die.? I am wondering!
  • Life is a thing to be experienced, why do you need to assign a meaning? And why does it have to be god? God is for people who want to believe, and to me it seems very unlikely, so I don't believe.
  • there is no meaning to it. it just is what it is so enjoy it before it ends. Bill Hicks put it best when he said "The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride."
  • Whatever it is we choose to make it be.
  • what is the meaning of life to a relegious person? to live your entire aging process believing that you will end up in a hypothetical place? pfffffffffffffffffff
  • The last thing I can do is speak for tons of people whom I don't know, but to me, it's to experience happiness and find out new things about the world.
  • You say "religious" people. That is not an accurate term for people that have a true relationship with God. Do you really think we sit around dreaming of an afterlife? I have to work every day, take care of my family...I am just trying to live the best life i can and treat others the best way I can. I think that is why people do not understand atheists. I look on here and everyone says "have fun while i am here!" and not a word about their families. You are in the category of religion while the definition of atheist is someone who REJECTS ALL religion, along with denying God. Why would you allow yourselves to remain in this category? If I, as a Christian, was placed in the Cult category, you can count on the fact that I would fight it or never participate!
  • My life has more meaning than it would if I believed in God. If I did, I would assume that I'm going to heaven....or hell...either way, I'd live forever in one way or another. The thought of eternal life removes all meaning from life. I know that my time here is finite, so I savor it.
  • we can wake up every morning knowing we havnt been brainwashed
  • I am an atheist and I do have a purpose in life. Life isn't about worshipping or believing in God or Jesus. The meaning of life defers between different people. Mine is to live well and do whatever the heck I please. The quest for knowledge and understanding through different perspectives and logics of my life really sums it up.
  • Well since we aren't restricted by the laws of any diety, our lives are just what we make them.
  • I still have morals and values that i grew up with, I just dont need religion to enforce them. I will still bring my children (if I ever have any) up with the same morals and values. I still have culture and traditions I stick to. But when you close your eyes, its all over.
  • To ball as hardcore as I can. To do whatever the hell I want to do with my life, when I want to do it.
  • Life has no inherent meaning. I give my own life meaning.
  • Does there have to be a meaning to everything? Life just happens!
  • Self gratification, the only true meaning of life.
  • Not everything has meaning. Sometimes shit happens and it's the same with life, it just happens
  • Shit happens and then you die
  • To make the best of life and be happy to be alive.
  • My friend is an athiest, he says for him the meaning of life is to have fun.
  • Means we live our lives without an invisible safety net. We self-govern, we are responsible for our actions and for the choices we make. We choose to live decent lives because that's what kind of people we are and the kind of life we want to live. The meaning of life for this particular atheist is to be the best person I can be, and to love unconditionally. That's it.
  • to pass your genes
  • Honestly, I am part of nature as it was and still is. I am a living organism brought into the world by an egg and sperm uniting when my parents "mated". I will live out my life and die and my remains will become part of the earth again. Doesn't get any more simple than that.
  • Why should life have any absolute meaning? I think that we have to make up our own meaning such as being happy with family and friends and trying to make others happy.
  • life is wonderful. don't do harm to others, and enjoy it while it's here
  • Mine is to educate and be educated.
  • For me, it is to live my life the best I can, leave the world a little better that I received it and to live.
  • NO meaning, NO rules, NO point, just run around aimlessly and do whatever they want.
  • The number 42. Live long enough to procreate.
  • To live your life to the fullest.
  • I can only speak for myself, but the meaning of my life is to be the best person I can be, to do the most I can for others, and to be responsible, resourceful, respectful and responsive.
  • That varies by the person.
  • In my opinion(opinions vary from person to person). I believe the meaning of life is to be happy and experience new things. I've flown a plane, gone scuba diving, I'm currently experiencing college. For me it's the quality of my life, before I kick the proverbial bucket, that is important. The reason why I try to not to convert others to atheism is because I think that at heart, it's what we all want. Regardless of your belief, if you're happy and don't caused problems, than I'm happy and won't cause you any. On a side note, my father and grandfather were preachers. I grew up in the church.
  • "The meaning of life is enjoying the passage of time." Paul Simon.
  • This is about the fifth time I've read this question in as many months. - I'll truncate my response to: Meaning in life is as diverse as the individual determining it. - Happy days! - ;-)
  • A Monty python movie.
  • The meaning of any and all life is simply to produce life.
  • There is little to none, really. If you happen to be born in a poor, war torn country, too bad for you. If you happen to be born sick or prone to childhood cancer, too bad for you. If you happen to be born in poverty with few or no opportunities to escape it, too bad for you. If you happen to be a victim of violent crime or a drunk driver, too bad for you. From the atheist perspective, you are just plain out of luck.
  • The meaning of life to an atheist is something special, it's not a closed answer as one might first expect. It's to live one's life by one's own rules, bound by nothing but their own creation. The physical or mental manifestation is just a form given to this unsaid mantra, what's important is that an atheist must be able to free himself from any and all restriction by his own will.
  • An Atheist may ask why there should be any meaning for it!
  • To have more kids who have more kids. Some Atheists are better at it than others.
  • I find it interesting that life has to have a meaning to some people and yet others are fine with living the little time they're here.
  • "Do no harm... (no first-strike)" "Forgive those who trespass on you ...but don't forget their name, address and other contact details!" "Learn the recipe for 'balls-salad' & 'gut-spaghetti' to serve cold on those who harm you! Sport:- kick-ass of hookey-spooky!
  • Porn, Beer, pizza.
  • Enjoying each and every day that you are alive
  • well,i doubt wheather you think the life of an atheist is meaningless???
  • Philosophy and Idealism Atheists tend to be strong minded and (some) have reasons for who they are although i think we should accept them as a human being and not treat them any less just because of a lifestyle choice :)
  • Not all people who believe in God are rabid theists - LOL The meaning of life for an aetheist could be many different things. It would depend on what they value and how (or how much) they think. For example, at a very basic level an atheist may just do what feels good or right because it's instinctual. Therefore feeling good could be the meaning of life. If they are philosophical, they might decide the meaning of life is to learn and enjoy because that is their truth and they value truth. I generally find that the aetheists I know value pleasure and 'seeking out the truth'. I believe it is impossible to know the truth, which makes the aetheist's life a little difficult. Agnostics and people who believe in God can either be open to the idea of God or have blind faith in something. But for the aetheist there is no ''faith'' in maintaining there is no God. Therefore they exert lots of energy trying to disprove God, even though it is impossible to prove or disprove either way. I hope I helped, but it is way too hard a question to answer properly!
  • Life is one big trip man. Enjoy it to its fullest. Fear not for death will come at the right time. Ethics, fun, expression, laughs, entertainment, desire, pleasure, change, tasty food, getting to know oneself, family, friends, parties, emotion, self control, spirituality, Earth, nature, hobbies, mystery, adventure, sports, pushing ones limits, empowering oneself, learning and freedom. Making the world a better place by setting an example of how to live life to its fullest.
  • Nothing to look forward to.
  • to have as much fun as possible?

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