• Absolutely. The only good thing about the FairTax is that its an effort to eliminate the IRS. BUT the Fairtax REPLACES the income tax with a flat sales tax, some say, of 23-30%. That's ridiculous. EVERYTHING you purchase could cost you up to 30% more! One genius and great man says you don't need either the IRS, the implemented sales tax, or the FAIRTAX, and that is Ron Paul. The one person that is most qualified to be president, yet the Federal reserve and the powers that be, do not want him in the white house.
  • What prisoner said is true, but it's also true that the rich don't spend as much (as a percentage of their income) on goods as do the poor. Therefore, the Fair Tax unduly penalizes the poor.
  • The only disadvantage is to politicians. By eliminateing the illegal IRS they will lose some control over you.
  • There is no perfect tax system... it would be great is we didn't need taxes to begin with. The Fair Tax is a start in the right direction. Those with lower income are accommodated in the plan with the "pre-bate". Because the wealthy don't spend the same "percentage" of their income on goods as the poor, that is not a bad thing. The wealthy are also those who are the business owners who hire workers and invest in businesses that hire workers.. that stimulates and grows the economy.

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