All you care to eat. The one I'm on :)
I've heard good things about the South Beach Diet.
A balanced one. One with enough calories to sustain life. One without harmful side-effects (low-carb diets are BBAADD!!!!). One that supplies you with ALL the nutrients you need. One low in trans-fats or other strange chemicals... like most artificial sweeteners. Sugar may be bad, but at least it doesn't cause cancer or put holes in your brain. One that doesn't do things to excess. While I can put away quite a bit of food, slamming down an entire family-size bag of chips is rarely a good thing.
Nutri System is a medically monitored quick weight loss diet but it is very expensive and you have to practically live on the food you purchase from them.
The See Food Diet. You see food, and you eat it!
Weight Watchers is the only thing that has ever worked for me. They teach you how to eat in the real world.
The diet that usually works the quickest and the best is the low/no carb diet.
From the dieters I know who had significant success... long term... weight watchers. I stick to the watch your intake and work out diet plan. It hasn't failed me yet! But, if I did have to lose weight, I would go WW.
For me? Crashing in the desert.
The best diet to be on will have you eating, real, nutricious food in appropriate amounts to ensure health and well-being. If you eat well of real food you prepare yourself from fresh ingredients you could do nothing other than thrive. With an eye toward reasonable proportions it is likely you will lose unecessary weight if that is your goal. In my book the simplest solution seems the most logical one to follow in matters of the human body. Eating in balance with no one food having an unreasonable dominance over others makes great sense.
the dont eat sugar diet.
Diets dont work. Weight watchers does.
A balanced diet
The Mediterranean diet is supposed to be great but americans usually cant hack it, they end up breaking. For americans the south beach diet is pretty good.
Take craps whenever you need 2 and pee a lot. i lost more than 5 pounds in a week doing that lol.
Your Feet! Keep moving No diet works Eat a variety of food and don't more than you can burn every day You can't control a lot of things in you life but you can control what you put in your mouth!
Taoist 5 Element Nutrition Diet ... google, "The Tao of Delicious" ... or google the authors Mantak Chia and Maneewan Chia ...
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