pet-betta to eat- hmmm salmon possibly if its cooked right
Tuna!! Straight out of the can. =)
Pet- Angel fish To eat- Flounder
Flounder or halibut! The bigger, the better tasting. I have heard cobia is really good. The boat owners will always tell you they are no good and take them home with them. Sportfishing magazine says that cobia is the best tasting fish you can get. You can't find it, because whoever catches one, they will not sell it.
I like salmon and sea bass.
Blackened Redfish is hard to beat. I dare you to try. I'll be glad to admit if I am wrong.
OSCARS yeah rock on. hears my fish
Smoked Black Cod.
Swedish fish!
oscars are my favorite but other cichlids r realy good!americans r the easiest to pair up afirans r hard to take care of and pair up!i have all these type of fishe africans and americans together and my oscar is in his own tank!
Dorry from finding Nemo.
I hear she speaks whale. -
Linda Joy
Absolutely! I don't care what Marlin thinks! Lol
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