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  • there r two school of thoughts majorly: 1. The Jerry Can is a small, seemingly insignificant item, that had a profound effect on WWII. The Jerry can is the square, flat fuel tank often seen with military vehicles, on the back of a Jeep or a Land Rover. Many will associate the Jerry Can with USA or England. Jerry was the name the Americans and British (and others) used for a German, during WWII. The can is actually a German design and it took quite some time before it dawned on the Allied how significant this little detail actually was. Hitler, on the other hand, realized early the importance safe fuel supplies would have for his plans of a Blitzkrieg. He ordered a transportable fuel container that would minimize loss of fuel during supply and battle. 2. The name is likely an alteration of the word German. Some have claimed that the German WWI helmet, shaped like a chamber pot or jeroboam was the initial impetus for creation, though others ascribe this explanation to revisionist history.
  • other nicknames included Kruat and Fritz

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