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If you can't trust her, then you will never be happy, you have to try and find a way to learn to trust her especially since she never has done anything to you. Until she gives you a reason to not be trusted, you have to find a way to trust her. What she did to her ex IS in the past and should stay there. That will kill your relationship quicker than anything. If you don't trust her you will always be paranoid and your being paranoid will ruin it.
If you plan to stay with her, you must grow to trust her and truly believe she will not cheat on you. The relationship just will not work that way. If it were my decision, I would leave her. It is probably cuasing some stress in your life and I believe once a cheater, you will always be. But I would also respect your decision to stay as I obviously do not understand the full story, I just think if you do stay, you must grow to trust her and keep in the back of your mind, if she cheats that she is the bad person and you are not wrong for her cheating. Also, if she does cheat, it will be on her and it will be her decision, you most likely cannot stop it from happening or influence her decision. I will say this, from a person who has been cheated on before, I wish you luck and hope all can work out for you; and if she does cheat on you, that you do not feel hurt and grow to realize that she will do this to any man and would not care if she is hurting you, obviously not true love.
They say once a cheater always a cheater. in some cases yes, in some cases no. Do Not Pass Judgement on her because she has cheated in the past since she has given you NO reason to believe that she is doing the same to you. Yess, i would advise you to keep your eyes wide open, but do not destroy your relationship because of YOUR insecurities. She may be more mature, secure, grounded and prepared as a Woman NOW, than she was in THE PAST, to have a Mature relationship. she wants you and is actually putting the effort in to make sure you know that she is being faithful, so trust that. Be happy that she told you the truth about her past relationship/s because be very aware that the way you are acting is the reason why some women Will Not disclose certain details about their past with their man. She was honest with you, you have no reason not to distrust her. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN though(as anyone in a relationship should), stop worrying about something that may never come to pass or just end it and leave her to find domeone who will appreciate her efforts. GOOD LUCK!
She cheated on her ex with who? You? If so, I don't have any sympathies for you...
Well, I say if you love her, than trust that she loves you back and will not do it again. And cross that bridge when you come to it. If you really are that disgusted by her, and are that worried, then I say let her go.
You dont trust her.... enough said.
People change, all it takes is love. I cheated on my ex with my husband, so he always thought I would cheat on him. I never have and have no desire to. I cheated on my ex because I didn't love him or care about our relationship. With my husband I care and could never stand to hurt him that way. But he was paranoid I would cheat and one night he cheated. I think he did it because he thought that I would (even after 6 yrs.)and he wanted to do it before I had the chance to do it to him. So don't assume that she will just because she cheated on another. It only takes one persons love to change your ways. So don't let it consume you and end up ruining your relationship as my husband did.
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