No, he's 14 he's probably just curious and embarassed that you found it.
No, that does not make your son gay, but I could see why you would wonder. I think the healthiest thing for you to do is show your son that you love him and leave him to his own decision. You most likely should not be asking your son weather or not he is gay, that might do damage if he is gay then he is going to be gay and tell you when he is ready.
He's just curious & maybe has to much unsupervised time on his hands. You may want to use the parental keys to keep him from looking images like that up can scar them for life. But just talk to him mostly he's young & all kids are curious about sex, he may have stumbled on it by accident especially when you don't have any kind of spyware or pop up blockers.
My Grandma would say, "he's just curious". especially at 14. I don't think that means he's gay. But it doesn't mean he isn't either. I wouldn't question him about being gay or not though.
Quite possibly he is gay. If so, he has always been gay and you can do little to change it. Don't push him. If he is gay he will tell you when he's ready. If he is not gay and just curious then this will pass.
He might just be going through a confusing period. One thing's for sure he's humiliated and terrified you caught him.
Either way there isn't much you can do about it if he is. Just be a good parent to him and love him and he'll be a good human being who will treat others well and that's all you should be worrying about. The rest is out of your hands. You can't ungay a person but you can shatter their childhood by judging them.
He's 14. 14 year olds look at porn, it's that simple. He may be confused, he may be experimenting, or he may be gay. Really just let it go, if he's gay than theres nothing you can do, if he's not-well than he's not.
No he might not be gay, he is just curious. But being gay sometimes develops over a period of time, and if continues showing interest in gay stuff or tries experimenting gay stuff that might be a problem. Make sure he gets a girlfriend. That way you can almost avoid any behavioral changes later..
I apologize if this is not what you meant. If it is, please stop. What I mean is that you are treating being gay like it is bad. I may not be gay myself, but I hate when people act like this. Gay people are just like any other people. You say, "that might be a problem. Make sure he gets a girlfriend." How do you think that would make him feel if he is gay? He would feel like he is doing something wrong by being gay. This could lead to him not feeling accepted in his own family, and could even lead him to running away or committing suicide, as acting like what you are describing is the worst thing you could do in that situation. Again, sorry if that was not what you meant.
It probably means he was curious and maybe even the first time he checked it out.
i'd say he is curious!
He was curious and wanted to fit in with a group I am sure. I would me more bothered by the fact that he was looking at porn, content be damned.
What if he is? Are you going to stop loving him? He is the person he is, and I'd hope that you'd accept him for the person he is, no matter what.
i tend to agree with most of the "just curious" answers ....i have 3 boys myself and @ 14 they are curious about sex,period; or maybe he's just seeing what other guys "look like".....where he "falls in" as far as guys go? could be that it's not so much guys with guys but just sex.....either way~it's natural ;) good question, though...just keep the lines of communication open so that he knows he can talk to you about anything.
I'd put Vegas odds on it.
look my ex boyfriend did that one and i flipd i am 15 turing 16 but i am sure hes probably just exploring his sexualty seeing what els is out there for him but i dout he is gay because u would of probably seen the signs way befor now
Does it matter if he's gay or not? This is the biggest most important question you can ask yourself because how you answer it could very well be a life or death matter. The highest suicide rate amoungst youth occurs to gay and lesbian teenagers. Who knows if your son is gay or not, but what he DESPERATELY needs is a parent who loves him unconditionally. If he were looking at straight porn I doubt this would be such a big issue and the truth of the matter is you, nor he, nor anyone else can control whether he is straight or gay. At 14 he could very well be just curious, but either way he needs to know he is loved and supported and that he can come to you with questions and problems and that he is not going to be turned away or kicked to the curb just because you (or anyone else) might feel challenged with understanding or accepting him being different. By allowing your son to know that no matter what he will always be welcome in your life and heart you are allowing him to confront tough issues in his life with a support system rather than fall into an abyss where he hates himself, feels he has to hide himself, be ashamed of himself, and possibly end his life because he feels he cant live up to the expectations his parents or society place on him. I applaud you for having the courage to ask this question it shows that you care about your son, hopefully enough to accept him as he is. :)
not really, personally the answer to this is simple...sont spend ur time trying to find out if he's gay or not he's probably just going through a phase of curiousity, amazement or boredom. I am a teenager myself, and when I see lesbian photos or video links on the internet, I am shocked, (because I am not lesbian) and I am sometimes tempted to click on it, just for curiosity or shock. Teenagers can see alot of stuff on the web if you don't becareful or put locks in the sites.
No... My friend told me he use to look at gay porn too... he said he was just curious and doesnt do it anymore..he says hes straight and I dont doubt that he is (hes made moves on me before :p).....Anyway I woudlnt worry to much.
Does it matter one way or the other if he is?
could be curious. If he is gay tho why does it matter? I do understand at his age looking at porn of any type isnt really appropriate tho.
he's probibly gonig threw the "am i gay phase" i had one to but i figured i wasn't when a girl was picking stuf out of her locker and i walked face first into a fire extinguisher, broke the glass was really funny.
Does he like girls ?Does he act gay ?Once he goes out with a girl he realy likes,I dont think he will be gay.
You have to understand that @ 14, he is very curious about sex, women, what other men look like, what he's gonna "look like" as a man, etc. it is purely curiousity.
It means he is curious and is learning about sexuality.
He could just be curious about sexuality in general -- boys often are, at that age. I'd be more concerned that your son has unrestricted access to porn at ALL in your house -- what, you can't be bothered to install any kind of filter on your computer, or keep the computer in a common area of the house?
Not necessarily, he just might be curious.
My brother has looked at gay porn, and he's the most straight person I know. Perhaps he is only curious. I mean, he's fourteen, and that's when I'd expect a kid to be curious about that stuff. The last thing he needs is his parents wondering if he's gay...
Perhaps he is too young for the world outside the closet.
Wow, this is a tough one. While I can't remember that far back myself, I know my boys went through a period of adolescent experimentation and interest. And from what I have read, no matter how you personally feel about gays, kids are going to do what they are going to do and there isn't much you can do about it. Rather than worry whether he is gay or going to be gay - which is really not the issue here - try to accept your son for what he is and give him your love and support and tell him you love him no matter what. He needs that assurance however he "turns" out. And if you have trouble accepting, perhaps it might be a good idea to seek counseling for yourself. And as a webmaster, I would want his access to the Internet to be better controlled - although at that age, he can probably circumvent no matter what you do.
He's gay, don't plan on any grandchildren
Not necessarily, some kids are just curious...don't assume he's gay or act weird around him, you could damage him psychologically.
At 16 years old i have looked at gay porn myself, it doesnt make you gay. I was just really curious, all guys are, you want to know what being gay actually is. It's kind of hard to imagine if you know what i mean. If you askhim about if he is gay, especially at only 14, he would feel really uncomfertable about his sexuality he would think he is givin out some sorta gay vibe. And if he is gay then he would try and force himself not too be cos at a young age he is not emotionally devleoped enough to deal with such feelings.
No, I don't even think he knows if he's gay yet. Ergo, you can't make that judgment yet, either. At 14, when you're looking at porn it's really more about having access to the porn than the porn itself. The porn I looked at at 14 would shame me now not because it's porn, but because it was so smutty and low-quality. And honestly, would it have been that much less dramatic if it had been straight porn? Your mind might go completely crazy wondering if he was looking at the sausage or the casing...
It is just a matter of being curious not gay. I mean depending on whether it matters to you or not if your son is gay. Maybe you should try going out and doing more masculine things. But none-the-less people always look at that type of thing at that age, its just a matter of wondering, im sure almost everyone has done it. I guess it would be up to your judgement to tell if he likes it. Over the next few nights check the history and if he's still looking at it, have a talk with him about it or maybe buy him a mag?
well as you all know or have heard by now "curiousity killed the cat" only cause the cat was let out of the bag... meaning he may be gay, or he may not be, but at 14 in this day and age, you pretty much have an idea of what "gay porn" is and what it relates to...he could want to experiment, either way just be able to be there for him if he is, cause it will be a doozy, trust me, try to understand where he will be coming from and just be his (very worried,-but-trying-to-understand-parent)don't push, only give as much as you can and read up on some stuff relating to yours and many other parents'll all work out, no worries, but then again he may not be...hope this helps
im sorry, i had my own experimentation as a youngn' but if its more then once where you caught him... dont be surprised if he is gay. just BE PREPARED!
just put a gay filter on your computer.
Looking at gay porn does not make a person gay, but the fact that he looks at it means he at least has some interest or curiosity in it. He may have gay or bi tendencies....
Maybe. He might have just been curious about it. That's a possibility.
he'll tell you if/when he's ready if he's gay. If he's curious, he may be using the porn to sort out how he feels about it. If it's totally restricted and blocked from the computer, he may take it as 'being gay is bad', and it could mess him up and confuse him even more.
He's gay for sure, normal guys can find lots of girls to look at.
I think he is curious..why two of the same sex are having sex..
I think he's just curious and gay porn gives him a chance to look at men's equipment and compare to his own (whereas hetero-porn largely focuses on woman parts). Nobody makes up their sexual identity mind at such a young age anymore.
Yeah it looks like he's going down the gay path. At that age all I wanted to look at were women's naughty parts so I think his mind is pretty set on what he wants to look at but who knows, he could become bi.
No, he is just curious about th buirds and the bees. he wants to know the inns and out of his own gender be fore he gets to woemn l,. It is nautural curiousity and it is harmless. don't know how he is getting gay pon though unless he knows someone who works in a porn store . i am sure he is a good kid
im real confused right now, i LOVE the ladies but then sometimes when i think about certain guys i get hard...? does this mean im gay i try not too but sometimes i jack off thinking about my friends brother, but wen im finished i find it REALY grose! wtf's going on?
I don't know, but I don't think I'd be letting a fourteen year old look at porn of any persuasion, even if I had to ground him from the computer for a while.
He's probably gay, there is a very small chance that he was curious, if that was the case then that would've been the first and last time he would've looked at gay porn, and by terrible misfortune you say him on that occasion, more likely is he views it regularly, indicating that he is gay.
No. And I think it was a mistake that you put him into a position of "denying" it. . Kids explore, are lead by curiosity, and have an awful lot to figure out at that age. . Didn't you?
HE IS NOT GAY wats wrong abt being gay anyway the greatest ppl ever bron on earth were gay or bi alaxander the GREAT was also alaxander the GAY shakespear was some say hitler was (i donno) learnado da vinci was dont worry even if he is ... be happy abt it
i just caught my 12 year old doing the same. of course it makes you wonder and you want to know if hes gay or doesnt matter to me either way.. i love my son but trust me that was the first thing that went through my mind. i did bring it up to him only because i dont care if it was naked girls or naked boys he was looking at, hes not allowed to look at that stuff. i took the computer away for a while . but i did stress to him that it has nothing to do with the fact that it was gay porn but the fact that it was porn of any sort. if only kids came with instructions.
Well if you talk to your kid and be more open about sexuality he would not look to see other guys to see if he is normal. Parents have fallen back from the ways kids use to learn about there sexuality. Now days parents fear to talk about sex with there kids even more so for girls. Kids actually start showing interest at age 5~12 but parents don't see the clues that there kids are sending out. Most times parents shame there kids about even asking about sex and even say the catch there kids doing stuff. If you and your son were on the same page you could talk about his or her sexuality and interest more open. Parents should be aware that kids are becoming more curious about sex not birds and Bess. Parents need to be less fear about talking about sex to there kids and more open. At age 12 if your kids don't know about sex from you I guaranty that kids at school are talking about sex and that may be how he found out about that porn. I get kicked down for saying this but you need to be more open about sex sooner than later. A good way to open this topic up is not to mess around for boys or girls. The sooner they know about sex the sooner they will come to you to ask things instead of there school mates. Parents have to get over the fact that there parents did not talk to them about this. Kids as young as 8 years old are exploring and kids as young as 12 have gotten pregnant because they don't have the information they asked from there parents. Instead parents say don't do this and don't do that. Well your one of a few that are now seeing your kid is curious. Problem is he has may have been asking the questions that he is now trying to look at. I suggest you start thinking more on clear talk. See if you can give some tips guidance again be a parent guide sooner is always better but good time to start is any time.
your worried beacause you want to protect your son's innocense as long as you can. truth is, he's growing up and he is gonna need more space to grow into. what im saying is, hes already mortified you caught him so dont embarrase him more by asking him questions he may be uncomfterble ansering. at forteen, hes unsure of his sexuality so dont put him in a position where he has to answer on the spot. :)
He might not be gay. If you make a big deal out of it, he might hide from himself with a great deal of guilt like I did until now at 51 and realize that I have always been bisexual and I'm a happily married man with 2 teenage boys.
if he looks at alot of it, i would say he's probably gay. is there any straight porn on there also?
well he's 14 he's probably just embarassed you caught him and if he is then you find out when he tells you
no, its jst curiosity
Maybe. He might also just be curious. At that age children are curious about the goings on of the human body, and porn is easily accessible, and prominently displays exactly what it is they are curious about. He might be gay, he might just be curious about things. At 14 you really can't tell.
i've always look at gay porn i was having gay thoughts at 12 and yes i've been caught not only by me parents :S lol and he's just have a look seeing about it don#t be worried although my dad hasn'#t spoken to me since i told him 3 years ago and i'm now 16 nearly 17
I would not say he will yurn out gay. I went through that same phase when i was 14 years old. But now i am married and have 3 kids. My grandpa (RIP) told me that people at that ages are curious and explores possibilites. So no that does not mean he will be gay.
The first sisn our son was gay was catching him on gay porn sights,I too thought he was just curious,and he too denied being gay until a few yrs later.Recently I've found pictures of himself nude and I am crushed...I don't know what to do.....ANY ADVISE?
I forgot to add he was about ten when it started
check the history on his computer. if there are other types then don't worry, hes just wondering. don't start wondering if hes gay until hes out of college. that's when he may come out of the closet if he is. but don't act like its wrong then he will never tell you.
what is the name of your son?
What is wrong with you people. He is just curious. Has he had any male friends to stay over. Maybe he shan't seen any other boys naked. Let the kid alone. He will grow into girls soon enough. Go to and type in K-9. It is a free program where you can limit where he can go onr the internet. Tell all your friends about K-9 too.
How do you know "he will grow into girls soon enough?" What if he doesn't? Do you think that boy is an awful human being if he is? Don't talk like gay people don't exist. By saying "he will grow into girls soon enough, you act as if there is no possible way he will turn out gay and he will obviously 100% turn straight. It's disrespectful to gay people.
i was like this about a year ago ( im 13)
well im really gay so i hope i can be helpful but it sems to me he just want to explore his own sexuality but looking at gay porn doesnt make you gay but if you give him time he will come to you if he is or isnt so the best thing to do is dont push the subject and i do not advise kids looking at porn
He's gay. If he has a girlfriend and marries and has kids he's probably denying his true sexuality. Fortunately, he's still young and if you're open and supportive he'll live a happy and full life with the man of his dreams.
I wouldn't worry he is just curious i'd say.
it dont mean he's gay come on, he probably got caught up.
a 14 year old should not have access to porn , period.... it mostly means u screwed up......and it sure won't help him ... there was just a 6 yr. old watching his parents porn on tv and was caught performing oral sex on his 3 yr old sister......their parents neglect and irresponsibility is gonna be a big help......
a boy who looks at gay porn will either be gay or bi, NO straight men i have ever known have even been curious about watching such things.
no, im 14 and i do but its for a comparison. aaa... so to say. NOT BECAUSE ME OR ANY-BODY ELSE IS GAY!
We can't answer this question at this age.At teenage years it is normal to wonder the same gender as much as the other gender.When he becomes an adult(like age 25)then we can tell it.Sexual orientation cannot be told in teen years,it can be told in adulthood.
I would say he is just curious as we all are but if he is gay would it matter
Why does he have access to Gay Porn?? Where the heck are the safe guards in the house. Protect that poor boy....I suppose he could stumble upon child porn too in your ALL access house......THEN WHAT!??
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