• Agony (also known as Screech and Shriek) is a fictional character, a supervillain from the Spider-Man comic books. She is one of the five symbiote spawns of Venom from the Venom: Separation Anxiety 4-issue mini-series. She is prominently purple. She has five symbiote brothers and sisters, including Carnage, and a nephew in Toxin. Her host is called Leslie. Like the other LF symbiotes, she was a volunteer for the Life Foundation Organization, an organization that was preparing for the M.A.D. fallout of the Cold War and provide a comfortable life for their wealthy clients after the impending nuclear holocaust. The Life Foundation was experimenting with the Venom symbiote in the hopes of making supercops to watch over their imagined fallout shelter utopia. She was picked from the organization's security force made up of cops, soldiers, and mercenaries. She was defeated by Venom and Spider-Man in Venom: Lethal Protector. Leslie had wanted to be a hero, but like the other LF symbiotes was having trouble controlling her symbiote and this lack of control over the alien inside her kept resulting in violence. Leslie and the other LF symbiotes broke Eddie Brock out of prison and kidnapped him in a last ditch effort to communicate with their alien "others". Leslie was killed by Scream with a sonic knife in Separation Anxiety. However, before her death, she appeared to have shown remorse and regret for her actions as Agony. What was left of the symbiote combined with all her sisters and brothers (except Carnage and Scream) to form the new antihero called Hybrid. Her status is uncertain.

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