• Kitty had a long-standing crush on Spider-Man which was recently consummated in the Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1, where they hooked up after ending their relationships with their respective ex-partners, Iceman (Bobby Drake) and Mary Jane Watson. In USM #87, Kitty and Peter are dating for the first time in the \"real\" comic. Brian Michael Bendis, writer of Ultimate Spider-Man, plans to continue with Kitty as a supporting character in USM. Issue 66 of Ultimate X-Men showed Kitty and Spidey on a date. This issue reveals that they spend much of their time hunting criminals to beat up. This effectively makes Kitty his crimefighting partner. However, the next issue shows a singular panel involving the two, where they passionately kiss, showing that the probable reason the two fight crime is to keep their relationship to themselves, and still be seen together in public without questions arising, though Kitty eventually adopts a full masked costume to fight crime with Spider-Man so when seen with Peter Parker, people will be less likely to figure it out. Wiki -

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