• In the original comic book series on which the movie is based, they're mechanical. In the Hollywood movie, they're organic.
  • it realy depends on the night before; if spiderman had a resonably relaxed day and drank lots of fluid he can use his organic web shooters, However if on the nigh before mary jane comes home after a hard days hork and spiderman rubbes her shoulders, makes her a romantic dinner and gets her all sexed-up and what not, superman is unable to shoot webs from his hands as he shot most of it on teh previous night.
  • in the comics they were mechanical but way later in the series he gained the ability to use organic web shooters
  • Organic,...the movie portrayed it the wrong way.
  • it was machanical an the movie changed it to organic but wen u think about it they had to cos it wud take to long to show him making it and all that shit

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