• It would be cruel to name a child Narcisitic Maladroit Slowtolearn.
  • I wouldn't. I want my child to be unique. :)
  • No, I don't think so. I don't ever want kids, but if I ended up magically having one, I wouldn't name it after me. I like the name Sebastian.
  • I wouldn't do it, but my daughter would probably get teased a lot with the name David. If I had a son, I would probably choose a close derivative, but not the same (Davis was one of the names thrown around before the pre-born's sex was known).
  • i would but not name the kid jr. its realy embarasing my friends tell me
  • Noo.. I never liked my name
  • No I won't...because I'm named after my father and I don't like it too much:)
  • Seeing how I will never be having children of my own anymore the answer would be no.
  • No, because nobody could ever pronounce mine correctly and I'd hate to put my child through all that explaining she/he'd have to do. I prefer the name Hannah.
  • No poor kid lol besides it would be unoriginal, no offense to the people who do name their kids after themselves.
  • No I didn't I gave her my mom's nick name for her middle name. I don't like my name either,I figure my mom didn't like lol I won't even say it on here.I embarest tooo
  • our son has avallach's middle name, and my maiden name. so i guess the answer is yes.
  • Only if she made me mad:)
  • There's only room for one Momma Bear in our house ~ seriously, it's a very small house... Plus, what kid wants to be called 'Momma' by all of his friends? How humiliating!
  • Yes I would and I have.
  • No....I want to name her after my nana...Gwendalyn
  • I know a lady who named her daughter her same name, when the daughter became an adult she ran up her mom's credit, because they never cross referenced the birthdays. So as a women I would never name my daugter after me it's too much of an inconvinence.
  • Well, I dunno, PrimeTap.jr would be kinda funny ;0) Seriously no because 1. Confusion 2. My name is too common anyhow and I've had enough trouble keeping my accounts and mail from getting mixed up with others.
  • Already have. My son's name is Richard, same as me. I do not go by Richard, I go by my middle name, but I did name my son after me, and my father. My dad's name was Richard. My son is also named after my wife's dad. His name was James. My son is Richard James.
  • No I would choose something totally different however if I had a son I would name him Isaac Theoman. Isaac after my grandmothers brother who sadly passed away 2 years ago and Theoman because its a Turkish name me and my husband actually agree on..pronounced Tayoman :)
  • No, I would not. However my son is named after his father, much to my ex-husband's initial objections. I told him if we have another child, he can carry it and then can name it whatever he wants. He then very quickly agreed to my choice! :)
  • No but I would name him/her after the father...
  • I am named after my father. I am considering whether or not I will do this if I have a son.
  • no absolutely not. i think every one in the family should get to have their own name. Not JR's little joey or mini me in the house.
  • No, because too many people have my name. I would choose a more interesting name for my child.
  • I've been there for I was named after Father's first & last name. Only our middle names are different mine being David & his being Gene. The only problem I've had is sometime trying to cash a check that has both our first & last names on it. For I have always went by my middle name "David". And most take it that it is my first name. For example: I once went to the local bank & all working there knew me in person. I tried to cash a ins: check that even had my SSN: on it. The banker's told me that I could not cash my fathers check. I told them & showed the proof of my ID & still they would not cash it. I could not get over it. And I even had a account with them. So I went & had Dad come back up and cash it for me. I know I could of had my Boss at the time being a lawyer hit them hard on that case. But I did not want to bring my Father's name into all this crazy stuff again. So just remember there are good & bad with being named after your Mother or Father...Good Luck!!! M.C.S......P.S. Now days I can sign MCS on a check & the cash it...LOL
  • Yes I would, that would be awesome.
  • No, because my name sounds like a verb, and could make awkward combinations with any number of last names.
  • No. I was named after my dad with a different middle name (but same initials). This caused problems that last even after my father died. Some governmental offices refuse to write out full names. So they just write first name, middle initial, and last name. When I was going through my divorce I lived with my parents for a few months. My dad got some of my important papers and, thinking they were his (they lacked a Social Security Number), really messed things up. Only it wasn't his fault. It was actually his house... I contacted the agencies that released the papers and they told me to put "Jr." on my name and "Sr." on his. I told them that wouldn't be right because we have different middle names. Then, I got logical... I told them my dad's middle name only had three letters. Mine has four letters. It's only one more space than writing Jr., but they couldn't say no. Actually, what really made them stop was the lawsuit I had against that government office regarding this simple matter. They changed our names to full names, but the same middle initials. Parents, never name your kids after yourselves. It's too confusing.
  • Probably not...I'm a bit more creative than that. ;)
  • I would only use my name as a middle name. right now i am considering marissa kate. kate being my middle name.
  • No, I am the only person in my family with my own name, everyone else is a second, third, or even a sixth. I have seen the problems they have had, I would not pass that onto my child.
  • No I wouldn't
  • I was named after my dad, with a different middle name, but same beginning letter, which was the most confusing thing to happen to me. Most businesses and government offices use first name, middle initial, and last name, and Jr. or Sr., if applicable. What do you do if one is NOT a Jr. or Sr. and the middle initial is the same? That's what I had to live with. Even if we had the same identical name, with Jr. and Sr., I still wouldn't like it. I'm more creative than that.
  • no i wouldnt. i might give them ny fn or mn as their middle name thou
  • Most likely not. Natalie sounds like a good name, though.
  • no, Jake isn't my favorite name. For a male I'd name my child umm...Steven I guess. IDK
  • No. There's nothing special about my name. It's really common. There are over 300 women in the U.S. who have the same first and last name I do. How boring!
  • No, that would be mean, I dont like my name.
  • definatly. i mean who wouldnt want to name there kids after me?¿?¿?
  • Hell no.
  • Maybe only as a middle name, never a first. Children are not clones of their parents, or just an extension of Mom or Dad - they are individual people with their very own personalities. They deserve to have a name of their own. It's fine to want to carry on family tradition and pride, but don't force your child to be "Roland Edward Smith the IV" or something.
  • Never. I have a name that is common and I would have liked my children to have names that were not one of the most popular names. My name forever will peg me as someone who was born most likely in the 70's when Jessica was at the top of the popularity lists and after that it just caught on even more. So, to answer your question no I would have never given my child my name.
  • My name would be fourth or fifth choice.
  • Only if my kid was a she.
  • Personally I would not - however, I plan on giving my child such a perfect and appropriate name that I would hope that they name their child after themselves.
  • no way..i would want my child to have its own identity..i wouldnt want him/her growing with people saying oh your named and so then...
  • No because the name is very common, too common and there are so many pretty names I like better than my own which is Jessica. It's an okay name but has been over used and I would want my child with a name that has less of a common factor. Not that I like those unique names that border on the weird but I would prefer my children have names where they won't share their names with ten others in the same school. That gets old and makes them just one of the many named Jessica.
  • No, I never thought that would be a good idea.
  • Yes, I would and I did. We had no problems.
  • yes when we adopted our kids we gave them names that ran in the family so they would feel even more of a part of our entire family!!!
  • My daughter got to choose her own name, she was 4 when we adopted her.
  • The name I choose for my baby will depend on my husband's nationality & or culture. I want my baby to have a name with this honour.
  • i gave my daughter the same middle name as myself, not because i wanted to have her named after me, but because it went well with her first name.
  • Never. A child needs their own identity. It's bad enough that, in my family, I'm the third generation to inherit "the son gets the father's first name as the son's middle name". If I ever adopt a son, I'm breaking that chain. To me, naming a child after yourself is one of the most vain things you can do. It's like building a living monument to yourself.
  • ive always thought most people name there child after the name they would have liked to have been called, i dont think its wrong to name your child after you though, i think it would be cool having a miniature version of yourself!
  • If we had a boy he would have gotten my name. We had a girl,so shes lucky!LOL
  • Definitely not!!
  • If my name was Sierra Apple Lumina... of course not, don't kid yourself no kid wants a name like that.
  • No, I wouldn't. But my kids have their middle-names named after their grandparents.
  • No, definitely not!
  • I am from Germany and there most people that I know do not have a middle name. I think it is a good tradition to pass a name on as the middle middle name, however, I would not give my name as a first name.
  • millers.
  • Don't like my name enough.
  • no. I believe that my child deserve his/her own name.

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